Am Sonntag, 26. Juni 2016, 13:13:04 CEST schrieb Steven Haigh:
> On 26/06/16 12:30, Duncan wrote:
> > Steven Haigh posted on Sun, 26 Jun 2016 02:39:23 +1000 as excerpted:
> >> In every case, it was a flurry of csum error messages, then instant
> >> death.
> > 
> > This is very possibly a known bug in btrfs, that occurs even in raid1
> > where a later scrub repairs all csum errors.  While in theory btrfs raid1
> > should simply pull from the mirrored copy if its first try fails checksum
> > (assuming the second one passes, of course), and it seems to do this just
> > fine if there's only an occasional csum error, if it gets too many at
> > once, it *does* unfortunately crash, despite the second copy being
> > available and being just fine as later demonstrated by the scrub fixing
> > the bad copy from the good one.
> > 
> > I'm used to dealing with that here any time I have a bad shutdown (and
> > I'm running live-git kde, which currently has a bug that triggers a
> > system crash if I let it idle and shut off the monitors, so I've been
> > getting crash shutdowns and having to deal with this unfortunately often,
> > recently).  Fortunately I keep my root, with all system executables, etc,
> > mounted read-only by default, so it's not affected and I can /almost/
> > boot normally after such a crash.  The problem is /var/log and /home
> > (which has some parts of /var that need to be writable symlinked into /
> > home/var, so / can stay read-only).  Something in the normal after-crash
> > boot triggers enough csum errors there that I often crash again.
> > 
> > So I have to boot to emergency mode and manually mount the filesystems in
> > question, so nothing's trying to access them until I run the scrub and
> > fix the csum errors.  Scrub itself doesn't trigger the crash, thankfully,
> > and once it has repaired all the csum errors due to partial writes on one
> > mirror that either were never made or were properly completed on the
> > other mirror, I can exit emergency mode and complete the normal boot (to
> > the multi-user default target).  As there's no more csum errors then
> > because scrub fixed them all, the boot doesn't crash due to too many such
> > errors, and I'm back in business.
> > 
> > 
> > Tho I believe at least the csum bug that affects me may only trigger if
> > compression is (or perhaps has been in the past) enabled.  Since I run
> > compress=lzo everywhere, that would certainly affect me.  It would also
> > explain why the bug has remained around for quite some time as well,
> > since presumably the devs don't run with compression on enough for this
> > to have become a personal itch they needed to scratch, thus its remaining
> > untraced and unfixed.
> > 
> > So if you weren't using the compress option, your bug is probably
> > different, but either way, the whole thing about too many csum errors at
> > once triggering a system crash sure does sound familiar, here.
> Yes, I was running the compress=lzo option as well... Maybe here lays a
> common problem?

Hmm… I found this from being referred to by reading Debian wiki page on 

I use compress=lzo on BTRFS RAID 1 since April 2014 and I never found an 
issue. Steven, your filesystem wasn´t RAID 1 but RAID 5 or 6?

I just want to assess whether using compress=lzo might be dangerous to use in 
my setup. Actually right now I like to keep using it, since I think at least 
one of the SSDs does not compress. And… well… /home and / where I use it are 
both quite full already.


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