On 11/18/2016 03:08 AM, Qu Wenruo wrote:
> Just found one small problem.
> After specifying --size 16 to output a given block group (small block
> group, I need large size to make output visible), it takes a full cpu
> and takes a long long long time to run.
> So long I don't even want to wait.
> I changed size to 10, and it finished much faster.
> Is that expected?

Yes, hilbert curve size increases exponentially when increasing order.

2**16 = 65536, 65536x65536 = 4294967296 pixels in the png image.

So even if you would have a petabyte filesystem, that would still mean
that a single pixel in the image represents only ~ 256kB. I don't think
your small block groups are 256kB big?

Specifying values like this does not make any sense at all, and it
expected not to work well.

>>> I don't see what displaying a blockgroup-level aggregate usage number
>>> has to do with multi-device, except that the same %usage will appear
>>> another time when using RAID1*.
> Although in fact, for profiles like RAID0/5/6/10, it's completely
> possible that one dev_extent contains all the data, while another
> dev_extent is almost empty.

When using something like RAID0 profile, I would expect 50% of the data
to end up in one dev_extent and 50% in the other?

> Strictly speaking, at full fs or dev level, we should output things at
> dev_extent level, then greyscale should be representing dev_extent
> usage(which is not possible or quite hard to calculate)

That's what it's doing now?

> Anyway, the greyscale is mostly OK, just as a good addition output for
> full fs graph.

I don't follow.

> Although if it could output the fs or specific dev without gray scale, I
> think it would be better.
> It will be much clearer about the dev_extent level fragments.

I have no idea what you mean, sorry.

>>> When generating a picture of a file system with multiple devices,
>>> boundaries between the separate devices are not visible now.
>>> If someone has a brilliant idea about how to do this without throwing
>>> out actual usage data...
>> The first thought that comes to mind for me is to make each device be a
>> different color, and otherwise obey the same intensity mapping
>> correlating to how much data is there.  For example, if you've got a 3
>> device FS, the parts of the image that correspond to device 1 would go
>> from 0x000000 to 0xFF0000, the parts for device 2 could be 0x000000 to
>> 0x00FF00, and the parts for device 3 could be 0x000000 to 0x0000FF. This
>> is of course not perfect (you can't tell what device each segment of
>> empty space corresponds to), but would probably cover most use cases.
>> (for example, with such a scheme, you could look at an image and tell
>> whether the data is relatively well distributed across all the devices
>> or you might need to re-balance).
> What about linear output separated with lines(or just black)?

Linear output does not produce useful images, except for really small

Hans van Kranenburg
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