On Thu, Feb 02, 2017 at 07:49:50AM -0500, Austin S. Hemmelgarn wrote:
> This is a severe bug that makes a not all that uncommon (albeit bad) use
> case fail completely.  The fix had no dependencies itself and

I don't see what's bad in mounting a RAID degraded.  Yeah, it provides no
redundancy but that's no worse than using a single disk from the start.
And most people not doing storage/server farm don't have a stack of spare
disks at hand, so getting a replacement might take a while.

Being able to continue to run when a disk fails is the whole point of RAID
-- despite what some folks think, RAIDs are not for backups but for uptime.
And if your uptime goes to hell because the moment a disk fails you need to
drop everything and replace the disk immediately, why would you use RAID?

> > I /thought/ the immediate benefit was obvious enough that it
> > would be mainline-merged by now, not hoovered-up into some long-term
> > project with no real hint as to /when/ it might be merged.  Oh, well...
> I think (although I'm not sure about it) that this:
> http://www.spinics.net/lists/linux-btrfs/msg47283.html
> is the first posting of the patch series.

Is there a more recent version somewhere?  Mechanically rebasing+resolving
conflicts doesn't work, I'd need to do a more involved refresh, which would
be a waste of time if it's already done by someone with an actual clue about
this code.

Autotools hint: to do a zx-spectrum build on a pdp11 host, type:
  ./configure --host=zx-spectrum --build=pdp11
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