On Wednesday 01 March 2017 19:14:07 Marc Joliet wrote:
> > > Also, the image is complete, so I only need to find somewhere where I
> > > can
> > > upload a 9.4 GB file.
> >
> > 
> >
> > Is it a compressed dump? Dumped with btrfs-image -c9?
> It was created with:
> btrfs-image -s -w /dev/sdb2 - | xz -9 --stdout >
> ./btrfs_backup_drive_2.img.xz
> (Mainly because I felt more comfortable using a separate compression
> utility,  not for any rational reason.  Although if you really meant
> "image" above, I have the feeling I'll regret this decision.)

Ah, never mind, it's not as big as I was worried it would be:

% xz -l btrfs_backup_drive.img.xz 
 Str.  Blöcke       Kompr.     Unkompr.  Verh.  Check   Dateiname
    1       1  9.589,6 MiB     81,4 GiB  0,115  CRC64   

So 81.4 GB uncompressed.  I have the space to uncompress it if need be.

Marc Joliet
"People who think they know everything really annoy those of us who know we
don't" - Bjarne Stroustrup

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