At 03/26/2017 06:03 AM, Moritz Sichert wrote:

I tried to configure qgroups on a btrfs filesystem but was really surprised 
that when you snapshot a subvolume, the snapshot will not be assigned to the 
qgroup the subvolume was in.

As an example consider the small terminal session in the attachment: I create a subvol A, 
assign it to qgroup 1/1 and set a limit of 5M on that qgroup. Then I write a file into A 
and eventually get "disk quota exceeded". Then I create a snapshot of A and 
call it B. B will not be assigned to 1/1 and writing a file into B confirms that no 
limits at all are imposed for B.

I feel like I must be missing something here. Considering that creating a 
snapshot does not require root privileges this would mean that any user can 
just circumvent any quota and therefore make them useless.

Is there a way to enforce quotas even when a user creates snapshots?

Yes, there is always method to attach the subvolume/snapshot to specified higher level qgroup.

Just use "btrfs subvolume snapshot -i 1/1".



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