On 2017-03-27 21:49, Qu Wenruo wrote:

At 03/27/2017 08:01 PM, Austin S. Hemmelgarn wrote:
On 2017-03-27 07:02, Moritz Sichert wrote:
Am 27.03.2017 um 05:46 schrieb Qu Wenruo:

At 03/27/2017 11:26 AM, Andrei Borzenkov wrote:
27.03.2017 03:39, Qu Wenruo пишет:

At 03/26/2017 06:03 AM, Moritz Sichert wrote:

I tried to configure qgroups on a btrfs filesystem but was really
surprised that when you snapshot a subvolume, the snapshot will
not be
assigned to the qgroup the subvolume was in.

As an example consider the small terminal session in the
attachment: I
create a subvol A, assign it to qgroup 1/1 and set a limit of 5M on
that qgroup. Then I write a file into A and eventually get "disk
exceeded". Then I create a snapshot of A and call it B. B will
not be
assigned to 1/1 and writing a file into B confirms that no limits at
all are imposed for B.

I feel like I must be missing something here. Considering that
creating a snapshot does not require root privileges this would mean
that any user can just circumvent any quota and therefore make them

Is there a way to enforce quotas even when a user creates snapshots?

Yes, there is always method to attach the subvolume/snapshot to
specified higher level qgroup.

Just use "btrfs subvolume snapshot -i 1/1".

This requires cooperation from whoever creates subvolume, while the
question was - is it possible to enforce it, without need for explicit
option/action when snapshot is created.

To reiterate - if user omits "-i 1/1" (s)he "escapes" from quota

What if user really want to create a subvolume assigned another group?

You're implying a *policy* that if source subvolume belongs to a
higher level qgroup, then snapshot created should also follow that
higher level qgroup.

However kernel should only provide *mechanisim*, not *policy*.
And btrfs does it, it provides method to do it, whether to do or not
is users responsibility.

If you want to implement that policy, please do it in a higher level,
something like SUSE snapper, not in kernel.

The problem is, I can't enforce the policy because *every user* can
create snapshots. Even if I would restrict the btrfs executable so
that only root can execute it, this doesn't help. As using the ioctl
for btrfs is allowed for any user, they could just get the executable
from somewhere else.
To reiterate and reinforce this:
If it is not possible to enforce new subvolumes counting for their
parent quota, and there is no option to prevent non-root (or
non-CAP_SYS_ADMIN) users from creating new subvolumes, then BTRFS
qgroups are useless on any system with shell access because a user can
trivially escape their quota restrictions (or hide from accounting) by
creating a new subvolume which is outside of their qgroup and storing
data there.

Ideally, there should be an option to disable user subvolume creation
(it arguably should be the default, because of resource exhaustion
issues, but that's a separate argument), and there should be an option
in the kernel to force specific behavior.  Both cases are policy, but
they are policy that can only be concretely enforced _by the kernel_.

The problem is, how should we treat subvolume.

Btrfs subvolume sits in the middle of directory and (logical) volume
used in traditional stacked solution.

While we allow normal user to create/delete/modify dir as long as they
follow access control, we require privilege to create/delete/modify
No, we require privilege to do certain modifications or delete subvolumes. Regular users can create subvolumes with no privileges whatsoever, and most basic directory operations (rename, chown, chmod, etc) work just fine within normal UNIX DAC permissions. Unless you're running some specially patched kernel or some LSM (SELinux possibly) that somehow restricts access to the ioctl, you can always create subvolumes.

This is part of the reason that I'm personally hesitant to use BTRFS on systems where end users have shell access, it's a DoS waiting to happen.

Developers chose to treat btrfs subvolume as dir, makes it quite easy to
operate for normal use case, sacrificing qgroup limit which is not a
major function (or even did not exist) at that time.

IIRC at the beginning time of btrfs, we don't have a full idea of use
cases could be.
This is common, a lot of problems(even bad design) can only be found
after enough feedback from end users.

Personally speaking, I prefer to restrict subvolume creation/deletion to
privilege users only, and uses a daemon as a proxy to do such privilege
So we can do better accounting/access control without bothering the kernel.
I will agree that a daemon for this can be useful, but even if we add a mount option to restrict operations on subvolumes by normal users, we can still provide the option of a daemon. On something like a single user system, there is not much advantage to having some complex access control in place. I'm not saying we should put any kind of complex ACL into the kernel, but that we should at least have some all-or-nothing switch in the mount options that controls if unprivileged users can perform subvolume operations. Ideally it would be just one option, but unfortunately we provided somewhat nonsensical initial semantics that we now have to continue to support.

Looking at the qgroup stuff specifically though, snapshots not inheriting their parent's qgroup seems really odd to me. There are two things that come to mind, and I'd love to see both personally: 1. Provide an option to have snapshots inherit their parent's qgroup. This would eliminate the 'surprise' that initially sparked this discussion, and deal with tools that aren't qgroup aware. 2. Provide an option to specify the default qgroup for new subvolumes, instead of them being created with no qgroup. This would cover the rest of things, and provide some further usefulness (for example, you could leave this default qgroup empty most of the time and have monitoring software alert you if it suddenly had data in it to detect stuff creating subvolumes behind your back). Both sound more to me like they should probably be specified somewhere in the filesystem itself, not the mount options.

But that makes a big behavior difference, I'm afraid this won't become
I'm definitely with you on having the ability to restrict subvolume operations to privileged users, I just don't feel that the suggested methodology is enough by itself.
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