Thank you very much for your thoughtful and thorough reply. I appreciate this very much.

I have finally been able to work past the issue. It seems that send/receive participates in maintaing some sort of "chain of custody/ancestry". I had been using a pre-existing snapshot at the destination instead of sending over an identical original via "btrfs send". This seems to have had the effect of "breaking" that "chain", causing send to refuse to use that snapshot as a parent. When the original is sent, send can use it as such, and the operation I was attempting proceeds without error.

On 04/30/2017 03:07 AM, Duncan wrote:
[This mail was also posted to gmane.comp.file-systems.btrfs.]

J. Hart posted on Sat, 29 Apr 2017 23:10:48 -0400 as excerpted:

I see three previous threads (the first starting on March 25) with you as original poster on the list, all of which have followups to the list, one of which has a single followup from you to someone replying to you, from you as well. I don't however see any followups from you to replies on the other two threads, and only the one followup to someone replying on the one thread. So it may be that you're not getting the replies very well. Are you subscribed to the list? While some posters reply directly to author as
I will try keeping a more careful eye on the archives as you suggest and see if I am missing replies.

With Thanks,

J. Hart

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