On Sat, May 20, 2017 at 12:37:47AM +0000, Hugo Mills wrote:
> > Can I make another plea for just removing all those BUG/BUG_ON?
> > They really have no place in production code, there is no excuse for a
> > filesystem to bring down the entire and in the process not even tell you
> > which of your filesystems had the issue to start with.
> > 
> > Could this be made part of a cleanup for this build to remove them all?
>    The removal of these has been an ongoing process for at least the
> last 5 years.
That's great news, thanks. I guess I'm a bit edgy because I've hit too many
of them already :) but glad to hear that there are a lot fewer now.

>    I don't understand the specifics of the kernel code in question(*),
> but compared to 5 years ago, btrfs has got rid of most of the
> BUG_ONs(**) a few years ago. The remaining ones are probably
> complicated to deal with in any way more elegant than just stopping.

The biggest problem is that those BUG* do not even tell you where the
The assumption that you'd only ever have a single btrfs filesystem mounted,
is flawed to say the least :)
(I have 5 different ones on my server)

>    I recall seeing someone's stats on BUG_ON locations a couple of
> years ago, and btrfs had managed to get the number of locations down
> below XFS (but no other FS). It's a kind of success, at least...

Good to know, thanks, and thanks to anyone who has worked on removing those.

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