On Tue, Jun 20, 2017 at 03:36:01PM +0000, Hugo Mills wrote:
> > Thanks for having a look. Is it a bug, or is it a problem with my storage
> > subsystem?
>    Well, I'd say it's probably a problem with some inconsistent data
> on the disk. How that data got there is another matter -- it may be
> due to a bug which wrote the inconsistent data some time ago, and has
> only now been found out.

> > "space cache will be invalidated " => doesn't that mean that my cache was
> > already cleared by check --repair, or are you saying I need to clear it
> > again?
>    I'm never quite sure about that one. :)
>    It can't hurt to clear it manually as well.

Sounds good, done.

In the meantime, I ran into this again:
btrfs check of a big filesystem kills the kernel due to OOM (but btrfs 
userspace is not OOM killed)

Is it achievable at all for btrfs check to realize that it's taking all the
available RAM in kernel space, is about to crash the system, and cancel the
check before the system crashes?
I've already confirmed that it doesn't use swap. I've just had to order new
RAM to upgrade my machine from 24GB to 32GB, but 32GB is max for that
hardware, so hopefully the lowmem repair stuff will work before I hit the
32GB limit next time.

In the meantime, though, it really shouldn't crash your system (potentially
causing more damage in the process because you end up with an unclean
Can anyone look at this?

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