On Wed, Jun 21, 2017 at 9:13 AM, Marc MERLIN <m...@merlins.org> wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 20, 2017 at 08:43:52PM -0700, Marc MERLIN wrote:
>> On Tue, Jun 20, 2017 at 09:31:42PM -0600, Chris Murphy wrote:
>> > On Tue, Jun 20, 2017 at 5:12 PM, Marc MERLIN <m...@merlins.org> wrote:
>> >
>> > > I'm now going to remount this with nospace_cache to see if your guess 
>> > > about
>> > > space_cache was correct.
>> > > Other suggestions also welcome :)
>> >
>> > What results do you get with lowmem mode? It won't repair without
>> > additional patches, but might give a dev a clue what's going on. I
>> > regularly see normal mode check finds no problems, and lowmem mode
>> > finds problems. Lowmem mode is a total rewrite so it's a different
>> > implementation and can find things normal mode won't.
>> Oh, I kind of forgot that lowmem mode looked for more things than regular
>> mode.
>> I will run this tonight and see what it says.
> It's probably still a ways from being finished given how slow lowmem is in
> comparison, but sadly it found a bunch of problems which regular mode didn't
> find.
> I'm pretty bummed. I just spent way too long recreating this filesystem and
> the multiple btrfs send/receive relationships from other machines. Too a bit
> over a week :(
> It looks like the errors are not major (especially if the regular mode
> doesn't even see them), but without lowmem --repair, I'm kind of screwed.
> I'm wondering if I could/should leave those errors unfixed until lowmem 
> --repair
> finally happens, or whether I'm looking at spending another week rebuilding
> this filesystem :-/
> gargamel:~# btrfs check -p --mode lowmem  /dev/mapper/dshelf2
> Checking filesystem on /dev/mapper/dshelf2
> UUID: 85441c59-ad11-4b25-b1fe-974f9e4acede
> ERROR: extent[3886187384832, 81920] referencer count mismatch (root: 11930, 
> owner: 375444, offset: 1851654144) wanted: 1, have: 4
> ERROR: extent[3886189391872, 122880] referencer count mismatch (root: 11712, 
> owner: 863395, offset: 79659008) wanted: 1, have: 2
> ERROR: extent[3933249708032, 69632] referencer count mismatch (root: 12424, 
> owner: 6945, offset: 2083389440) wanted: 1, have: 2
> ERROR: extent[3933249708032, 69632] referencer count mismatch (root: 12172, 
> owner: 6945, offset: 2083389440) wanted: 1, have: 2
> ERROR: extent[4571729862656, 876544] referencer count mismatch (root: 11058, 
> owner: 375442, offset: 907706368) wanted: 6, have: 21
> ERROR: extent[4641490833408, 270336] referencer count mismatch (root: 11712, 
> owner: 375444, offset: 1848672256) wanted: 3, have: 5
> ERROR: extent[4641490833408, 270336] referencer count mismatch (root: 11276, 
> owner: 375444, offset: 1848672256) wanted: 3, have: 5
> ERROR: extent[4641490833408, 270336] referencer count mismatch (root: 11058, 
> owner: 375444, offset: 1848672256) wanted: 3, have: 5
> ERROR: extent[4641490833408, 270336] referencer count mismatch (root: 11494, 
> owner: 375444, offset: 1848672256) wanted: 3, have: 5
> ERROR: extent[4658555617280, 122880] referencer count mismatch (root: 11712, 
> owner: 375444, offset: 1848705024) wanted: 1, have: 3
> ERROR: extent[4677858123776, 417792] referencer count mismatch (root: 11712, 
> owner: 863395, offset: 79523840) wanted: 1, have: 3
> ERROR: extent[4677858123776, 417792] referencer count mismatch (root: 11930, 
> owner: 863395, offset: 79523840) wanted: 1, have: 3
> ERROR: extent[4698380947456, 409600] referencer count mismatch (root: 11930, 
> owner: 375444, offset: 1851596800) wanted: 3, have: 4
> ERROR: extent[4720470421504, 667648] referencer count mismatch (root: 11058, 
> owner: 3463478, offset: 2334720) wanted: 2, have: 10
> ERROR: extent[4783941246976, 65536] referencer count mismatch (root: 9365, 
> owner: 24493, offset: 4562944) wanted: 2, have: 3
> ERROR: extent[5077564477440, 106496] referencer count mismatch (root: 9370, 
> owner: 1602694, offset: 734756864) wanted: 1, have: 2
> ERROR: extent[5136306929664, 131489792] referencer count mismatch (root: 
> 11712, owner: 375441, offset: 910999552) wanted: 16, have: 1864
> ERROR: extent[5136306929664, 131489792] referencer count mismatch (root: 
> 11276, owner: 375441, offset: 910999552) wanted: 867, have: 1865
> ERROR: extent[5136306929664, 131489792] referencer count mismatch (root: 
> 11058, owner: 375441, offset: 910999552) wanted: 126, have: 1872
> ERROR: extent[5136306929664, 131489792] referencer count mismatch (root: 
> 11494, owner: 375441, offset: 910999552) wanted: 866, have: 1864
> ERROR: extent[5136306929664, 131489792] referencer count mismatch (root: 
> 11930, owner: 375441, offset: 910999552) wanted: 861, have: 1859
> ERROR: extent[5136649891840, 66781184] referencer count mismatch (root: 
> 11058, owner: 375442, offset: 192659456) wanted: 5, have: 19
> ERROR: extent[5136879157248, 134217728] referencer count mismatch (root: 
> 11930, owner: 375442, offset: 394543104) wanted: 10, have: 33
> ERROR: extent[5137380671488, 80945152] referencer count mismatch (root: 
> 11058, owner: 375442, offset: 875233280) wanted: 1, have: 21
> ERROR: extent[5137380671488, 80945152] referencer count mismatch (root: 
> 11930, owner: 375442, offset: 875233280) wanted: 11, have: 21
> ERROR: extent[5138641395712, 524288] referencer count mismatch (root: 11494, 
> owner: 375445, offset: 39845888) wanted: 1, have: 3
> ERROR: extent[5190245990400, 53248] referencer count mismatch (root: 11712, 
> owner: 863395, offset: 51118080) wanted: 1, have: 4
> ERROR: extent[5190245990400, 53248] referencer count mismatch (root: 11276, 
> owner: 863395, offset: 51118080) wanted: 1, have: 4
> ERROR: extent[5190245990400, 53248] referencer count mismatch (root: 11494, 
> owner: 863395, offset: 51118080) wanted: 1, have: 4
> ERROR: extent[5190274174976, 77824] referencer count mismatch (root: 11276, 
> owner: 863395, offset: 74952704) wanted: 3, have: 5
> ERROR: extent[5190274174976, 77824] referencer count mismatch (root: 11058, 
> owner: 863395, offset: 74952704) wanted: 3, have: 5
> ERROR: extent[5190274174976, 77824] referencer count mismatch (root: 11494, 
> owner: 863395, offset: 74952704) wanted: 3, have: 5
> ERROR: extent[5190274174976, 77824] referencer count mismatch (root: 11930, 
> owner: 863395, offset: 74952704) wanted: 3, have: 5
> ERROR: extent[5190275895296, 77824] referencer count mismatch (root: 11712, 
> owner: 863395, offset: 77705216) wanted: 1, have: 6
> ERROR: extent[5190275895296, 77824] referencer count mismatch (root: 11276, 
> owner: 863395, offset: 77705216) wanted: 5, have: 6
> ERROR: extent[5190275895296, 77824] referencer count mismatch (root: 11058, 
> owner: 863395, offset: 77705216) wanted: 5, have: 6
> ERROR: extent[5427326599168, 61440] referencer count mismatch (root: 9370, 
> owner: 1225712, offset: 29753344) wanted: 1, have: 5
> ERROR: extent[5456623030272, 24576] referencer count mismatch (root: 11058, 
> owner: 2278892, offset: 786432) wanted: 2, have: 3
> ERROR: extent[5851251269632, 134217728] referencer count mismatch (root: 
> 9370, owner: 1602695, offset: 534061056) wanted: 3, have: 4
> ERROR: errors found in extent allocation tree or chunk allocation
> cache and super generation don't match, space cache will be invalidated
> ERROR: root 3857 EXTENT_DATA[108864 4096] interrupt
> ERROR: root 3857 EXTENT_DATA[133050 4096] interrupt
> ERROR: root 3857 EXTENT_DATA[388570 4096] interrupt
> ERROR: root 3857 EXTENT_DATA[729583 4096] interrupt
> ERROR: root 3857 EXTENT_DATA[984778 4096] interrupt
> ERROR: root 3857 EXTENT_DATA[997394 4096] interrupt
> ERROR: root 3857 EXTENT_DATA[1002954 4096] interrupt
> ERROR: root 3857 EXTENT_DATA[1007491 4096] interrupt
> ERROR: root 3857 EXTENT_DATA[1111463 4096] interrupt
> ERROR: root 3857 EXTENT_DATA[1111506 4096] interrupt
> ERROR: root 3857 EXTENT_DATA[1111536 4096] interrupt
> ERROR: root 3857 EXTENT_DATA[1111536 4096] interrupt
> ERROR: root 3857 EXTENT_DATA[1134500 4096] interrupt
> ERROR: root 3857 EXTENT_DATA[1136498 4096] interrupt
> ERROR: root 3857 EXTENT_DATA[1175965 4096] interrupt
> ERROR: root 3857 EXTENT_DATA[1185977 4096] interrupt
> ERROR: root 3857 EXTENT_DATA[1190919 4096] interrupt
> ERROR: root 3857 EXTENT_DATA[1201340 4096] interrupt
> ERROR: root 3857 EXTENT_DATA[1230370 4096] interrupt
> ERROR: root 3857 EXTENT_DATA[1230530 4096] interrupt
> ERROR: root 3857 EXTENT_DATA[1230530 4096] interrupt
> ERROR: root 3857 EXTENT_DATA[1235960 4096] interrupt
> ERROR: root 3857 EXTENT_DATA[1248784 4096] interrupt
> ERROR: root 3857 EXTENT_DATA[1271827 4096] interrupt
> ERROR: root 3857 EXTENT_DATA[1295242 4096] interrupt
> ERROR: root 3857 EXTENT_DATA[1406074 4096] interrupt
> ERROR: root 3857 EXTENT_DATA[1410780 4096] interrupt
> ERROR: root 3857 EXTENT_DATA[1412938 4096] interrupt
> ERROR: root 3857 EXTENT_DATA[1413532 4096] interrupt
> ERROR: root 3857 EXTENT_DATA[1413532 4096] interrupt
> ERROR: root 3857 EXTENT_DATA[1421245 4096] interrupt
> ERROR: root 3857 EXTENT_DATA[1423365 4096] interrupt
> ERROR: root 3857 EXTENT_DATA[1425985 4096] interrupt
> ERROR: root 3857 EXTENT_DATA[1429229 4096] interrupt
> ERROR: root 3857 EXTENT_DATA[1430615 4096] interrupt
> ERROR: root 3857 EXTENT_DATA[1443769 4096] interrupt
> ERROR: root 3860 EXTENT_DATA[599089 4096] interrupt
> (not finished, still going on)

I don't know what it means. Maybe Qu has some idea. He might want a
btrfs-image  of this file system to see if it's a bug. There are still
some bugs found with lowmem mode, so these could be bogus messages.
But the file system clearly has problems, the question is why does
such a new file system have these kinds of problems that can't be
fixed by normal repair because they aren't even being detected; or
maybe there is no problem on disk per se, the problem might be a bug.

In which case, off chance going back to a substantially older kernel
might help. Maybe the latest 4.9 series kernel?

Chris Murphy
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