On 07/20/2017 11:53 PM, Christoph Anton Mitterer wrote:
> On Thu, 2017-07-20 at 14:48 -0700, Omar Sandoval wrote:
> [...]
>>> I assume you'll take care to get that patch into stable kernels?
>>> Is this patch alone enough to recommend the Debian maintainers to
>>> include it into their 4.9 long term stable kernels?
>> I'll mark it for stable, assuming Debian tracks the upstream LTS
>> releases it should get in.

+1 \o/

> Okay :-)
> Nevertheless I'll open a bug at their BTS, just to be safe.

The Debian kernel teams tries to minimize the amount of patches on top
of the original kernel code. Every patch added comes with a maintenance

So, the answer will probably be: Please get it in 4.9 itself.

Hans van Kranenburg
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