On 2017-08-31 02:49, Ulli Horlacher wrote:
On Thu 2017-08-24 (18:45), Peter Grandi wrote:

As usual with Btrfs, there are corner cases to avoid: 'defrag'
should be done before 'balance'

Good hint. So far I did it the other way: balance before defrag.
I will switch.
For reference, the reason to do things this way is that defragmenting a filesystem may result in undoing some of the work balance did.

and with compression switched off

I have filesystems with compress mount option:

framstag@fex:~: grep /local /etc/fstab
LABEL=local /local btrfs  defaults,compress,user_subvol_rm_allowed 0 2

and a weekly cronjob, which does a defrag and balance.
I cannot disable compression.
Any hint here?
Having compression enabled causes no issues with defray and balance. There appears to be a prevalent belief however that defrag is pointless if you're using compression, probably because some versions of `filefrag` don't report compressed extents properly (they list each 128k compressed unit as one extent, which is wrong).

I prefer dump-and-reload.

What do you mean by this?
I believe he means to copy everything off the filesystem, recreate it, and copy everything back in. That will actually get you much closer to an optimal layout than a defrag=balance cycle, but it also takes a long time, requires extra space, and the layout will usually become sub-optimal almost immediately when you start writing to the filesystem.
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