On 08/31/2017 06:18 PM, Duncan wrote:
> Michał Sokołowski posted on Thu, 31 Aug 2017 16:38:14 +0200 as excerpted:
>> Is there another tool to verify fragments number of given file when
>> using compression?
> AFAIK there isn't an official one, tho someone posted a script (python, 
> IIRC) at one point and may repost it here.
> You can actually get the information needed from filefrag -v (and the 
> script does), but it takes a bit more effort than usual, scripted or 
> brain-power, to convert the results into real fragmentation numbers.
> The problem is that btrfs compression works in 128 KiB blocks, and 
> filefrag sees each of those as a fragment.  The extra effort involves 
> checking the addresses of the reported 128 KiB blocks to see if they are 
> actually contiguous, that is, one starts just after the previous one 
> ends.  If so it's actually not fragmented at that point.  But if the 
> addresses aren't contiguous, there's fragmentation at that point.
> I don't personally worry too much about it here, for two reasons.  First, 
> I /always/ run with the autodefrag mount option, which keeps 
> fragmentation manageable in any case[1], and second, I'm on ssd, where 
> the effects of fragmentation aren't as pronounced.  (On spinning rust 
> it's generally the seek times that dominate.  On ssds that's 0, but 
> there's still an IOPS cost.)
> So while I've run filefrag -v and looked at the results a few times out 
> of curiousity, and indeed could see the reported fragmentation that was 
> actually contiguous, it was simply a curiosity to me, thus my not 
> grabbing that script and putting it to immediate use.
> ---
> [1] AFAIK autodefrag checks fragmentation on writes, and rewrites 16 MiB 
> blocks if necessary.  If like me you always run it from the moment you 
> start putting data on the filesystem, that should work pretty well.  If 
> however you haven't been running it or doing manual defrag, because 
> defrag only works on writes and the free space may be fragmented enough 
> there's not 16 MiB blocks to write into, it may take awhile to "catch 
> up", and of course won't defrag anything that's never written to again, 
> but is often reread, making its existing fragmentation an issue.

Very comprehensive, thank you. I was asking because I'd like to learn
how really random writes by VM affects BTRFS (vs XFS,Ext4) performance
and try to develop some workaround to reduce/prevent it while having
csums, cow (snapshots) and compression.
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