Nice status update about btrfs volume manager. Thanks.

 Below I have added the names of the patch in ML/wip addressing
 the current limitations.

On 12/17/2017 07:58 PM, Duncan wrote:
Dark Penguin posted on Sat, 16 Dec 2017 22:50:33 +0300 as excerpted:

Could someone please point me towards some read about how btrfs handles
multiple devices? Namely, kicking faulty devices and re-adding them.

I've been using btrfs on single devices for a while, but now I want to
start using it in raid1 mode. I booted into an Ubuntu 17.10 LiveCD and
tried to see how does it handle various situations. The experience left
me very surprised; I've tried a number of things, all of which produced
unexpected results.

I create a btrfs raid1 filesystem on two hard drives and mount it.

- When I pull one of the drives out (simulating a simple cable failure,
which happens pretty often to me), the filesystem sometimes goes
read-only. ???
- But only after a while, and not always. ???
- When I fix the cable problem (plug the device back), it's immediately
"re-added" back. But I see no replication of the data I've written onto
a degraded filesystem... Nothing shows any problems, so "my filesystem
must be ok". ???
- If I unmount the filesystem and then mount it back, I see all my
recent changes lost (everything I wrote during the "degraded" period). -
If I continue working with a degraded raid1 filesystem (even without
damaging it further by re-adding the faulty device), after a while it
won't mount at all, even with "-o degraded".

I can't wrap my head about all this. Either the kicked device should not
be re-added, or it should be re-added "properly", or it should at least
show some errors and not pretend nothing happened, right?..

I must be missing something. Is there an explanation somewhere about
what's really going on during those situations? Also, do I understand
correctly that upon detecting a faulty device (a write error), nothing
is done about it except logging an error into the 'btrfs device stats'
report? No device kicking, no notification?.. And what about degraded
filesystems - is it absolutely forbidden to work with them without
converting them to a "single" filesystem first?..

On Ubuntu 17.10, there's Linux 4.13.0-16 and btrfs-progs 4.12-1 .

Btrfs device handling at this point is still "development level" and very
rough, but there's a patch set in active review ATM that should improve
things dramatically, perhaps as soon as 4.16 (4.15 is already well on the

Basically, at this point btrfs doesn't have "dynamic" device handling.
That is, if a device disappears, it doesn't know it.  So it continues
attempting to write to (and read from, but the reads are redirected) the
missing device until things go bad enough it kicks to read-only for

  btrfs: introduce device dynamic state transition to failed

If a device is added back, the kernel normally shuffles device names and
assigns a new one.  Btrfs will see it and list the new device, but it's
still trying to use the old one internally.  =:^(

  btrfs: handle dynamically reappearing missing device

Thus, if a device disappears, to get it back you really have to reboot,
or at least unload/reload the btrfs kernel module, in ordered to clear
the stale device state and have btrfs rescan and reassociate devices with
the matching filesystems.

Meanwhile, once a device goes stale -- other devices in the filesystem
have data that should have been written to the stale one but it was gone
so the data couldn't get to it -- once you do the module unload/reload or
reboot cycle and btrfs picks up the device again, you should immediately
do a btrfs scrub, which will detect and "catch up" the differences.
Btrfs tracks atomic filesystem updates via a monotonically increasing
generation number, aka transaction-id (transid).  When a device goes
offline, its generation number of course gets stuck at the point it went
offline, while the other devices continue to update their generation
When a stale device is readded, btrfs should automatically find and use
the device with the latest generation, but the old one isn't
automatically caught up -- a scrub is the mechanism by which you do this.

One thing you do **NOT** want to do is degraded-writable mount one
device, then the other device, of a raid1 pair, because that'll diverge
the two with new data on each, and that's no longer simple to correct.
If you /have/ to degraded-writable mount a raid1, always make sure it's
the same one mounted writable if you want to combine them again.  If you
/do/ need to recombine two diverged raid1 devices, the only safe way to
do so is to wipe the one so btrfs has only the one copy of the data to go
on, and add the wiped device back as a new device.

  btrfs: handle volume split brain scenario

Meanwhile, until /very/ recently... 4.13 may not be current enough... if
you mounted a two-device raid1 degraded-writable, btrfs would try to
write and note that it couldn't do raid1 because there wasn't a second
device, so it would create single chunks to write into. >
And the older filesystem safe-mount mechanism would see those single
chunks on a raid1 and decide it wasn't safe to mount the filesystem
writable at all after that, even if all the single chunks were actually
present on the remaining device.
The effect was that if a device died, you had exactly one degraded-
writable mount to replace it successfully.  If you didn't complete the
replace in that single chance writable mount, the filesystem would refuse
to mount writable again, and thus it was impossible to repair the
filesystem since that required a writable mount and that was no longer
possible!  Fortunately the filesystem could still be mounted degraded-
readonly (unless there was some other problem), allowing people to at
least get at the read-only data to copy it elsewhere.
With a new enough btrfs, while btrfs will still create those single
chunks on a degraded-writable mount of a raid1, it's at least smart
enough to do per-chunk checks to see if they're all available on existing
devices (none only on the missing device), and will continue to allow
degraded-writable mounting if so.

btrfs: Introduce a function to check if all chunks a OK for degraded rw mount

But once the filesystem is back to multi-device (with writable space on
at least two devices), a balance-convert of those single chunks to raid1
should be done, otherwise if the device with them on it goes...
And there's work on allowing it to do only single-copy, thus incomplete-
raid1, chunk writes as well.  This should prevent the single mode chunks
entirely, thus eliminating the need for the balance-convert, tho a scrub
would still be needed to fully sync back up.  But I'm not sure what the
status is on that.

  btrfs: create degraded-RAID1 chunks
  (Patch is wip still. There is a good workaround).

Meanwhile, as mentioned above, there's active work on proper dynamic
btrfs device tracking and management.

  btrfs: Introduce device pool sysfs attributes
  (needs revival)

It may or may not be ready for
4.16, but once it goes in, btrfs should properly detect a device going
away and react accordingly, and it should detect a device coming back as
a different device too.  As I write this it occurs to me that I've not
read close enough to know if it actually initiates scrub/resync on its
own in the current patch set, but that's obviously an eventual goal if

  Right. It doesn't as of now, its in my list of things to fix.

Longer term, there's further patches that will provide a hot-spare
functionality, automatically bringing in a device pre-configured as a hot-
spare if a device disappears, but that of course requires that btrfs
properly recognize devices disappearing and coming back first, so one
thing at a time.  Tho as originally presented, that hot-spare
functionality was a bit limited -- it was a global hot-spare list, and
with multiple btrfs of different sizes and multiple hot-spare devices
also of different sizes, it would always just pick the first spare on the
list for the first btrfs needing one, regardless of whether the size was
appropriate for that filesystem or not.  By the time the feature actually
gets merged it may have changed some, and regardless, it should
eventually get less limited, but that's _eventually_, with a target time
likely still in years, so don't hold your breath.


  - Its not that difficult to pick up a suitable sized disk from the
    global hot spare list.
  - A CLI can show which fsid/volume a global hot spare can be the
    candidate for the potential replacement.
  - An auto replace priority can be at the fsid/volume end or we could
    still dedicate a global hot spare device to a fsid/volume.

 Related patches (needs revival):
  btrfs: block incompatible optional features at scan
  btrfs: add check not to mount a spare device
  btrfs: support btrfs dev scan for spare device
  btrfs: provide framework to get and put a spare device
  btrfs: introduce helper functions to perform hot replace
  btrfs: check for failed device and hot replace

I think that answers most of your questions.  Basically, you have to be
quite careful with btrfs raid1 today, as btrfs simply doesn't have the
automated functionality to handle it yet.  It's still possible to do two-
device-only raid1 and replace a failed device when you're down to one,
but it's not as easy or automated as more mature raid options such as
mdraid, and you do have to keep on top of it as a result.  But it can and
does work reasonably well for those (like me) who use btrfs raid1 as
their "daily driver", as long as you /do/ keep on top of it... and don't
try to use raid1 as a replacement for real backups, because it's *not* a
backup! =:^)

Thanks, Anand
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