On 2018-05-02 16:40, Goffredo Baroncelli wrote:
On 05/02/2018 09:29 PM, Austin S. Hemmelgarn wrote:
On 2018-05-02 13:25, Goffredo Baroncelli wrote:
On 05/02/2018 06:55 PM, waxhead wrote:

So again, which problem would solve having the parity checksummed ? On the best 
of my knowledge nothing. In any case the data is checksummed so it is 
impossible to return corrupted data (modulo bug :-) ).

I am not a BTRFS dev , but this should be quite easy to answer. Unless you 
checksum the parity there is no way to verify that that the data (parity) you 
use to reconstruct other data is correct.

In any case you could catch that the compute data is wrong, because the data is 
always checksummed. And in any case you must check the data against their 

My point is that storing the checksum is a cost that you pay *every time*. 
Every time you update a part of a stripe you need to update the parity, and 
then in turn the parity checksum. It is not a problem of space occupied nor a 
computational problem. It is a a problem of write amplification...

The only gain is to avoid to try to use the parity when
a) you need it (i.e. when the data is missing and/or corrupted)
and b) it is corrupted.
But the likelihood of this case is very low. And you can catch it during the 
data checksum check (which has to be performed in any case !).

So from one side you have a *cost every time* (the write amplification), to 
other side you have a gain (cpu-time) *only in case* of the parity is corrupted 
and you need it (eg. scrub or corrupted data)).

IMHO the cost are very higher than the gain, and the likelihood the gain is 
very lower compared to the likelihood (=100% or always) of the cost.
You do realize that a write is already rewriting checksums elsewhere? It would 
be pretty trivial to make sure that the checksums for every part of a stripe 
end up in the same metadata block, at which point the only cost is computing 
the checksum (because when a checksum gets updated, the whole block it's in 
gets rewritten, period, because that's how CoW works).

Looking at this another way (all the math below uses SI units):

Good point: precomputing the checksum of the parity save a lot of time for the 
scrub process. You can see this in a more simply way saying that the parity 
calculation (which is dominated by the memory bandwidth) is like O(n) (where n 
is the number of disk); the parity checking (which again is dominated by the 
memory bandwidth) against a checksum is like O(1). And when the data written is 
2 order of magnitude lesser than the data stored, the effort required to 
precompute the checksum is negligible.
Excellent point about the computational efficiency, I had not thought of framing things that way.

Anyway, my "rant" started when Ducan put near the missing of parity checksum 
and the write hole. The first might be a performance problem. Instead the write hole 
could lead to a loosing data. My intention was to highlight that the parity-checksum is 
not related to the reliability and safety of raid5/6.
It may not be related to the safety, but it is arguably indirectly related to the reliability, dependent on your definition of reliability. Spending less time verifying the parity means you're spending less time in an indeterminate state of usability, which arguably does improve the reliability of the system. However, that does still have nothing to do with the write hole.

So, lets look at data usage:

1GB of data is translates to 62500 16kB blocks of data, which equates to an 
additional 15625 blocks for parity.  Adding parity checksums adds a 25% 
overhead to checksums being written, but that actually doesn't translate to a 
huge increase in the number of _blocks_ of checksums written.  One 16k block 
can hold roughly 500 checksums, so it would take 125 blocks worth of checksums 
without parity, and 157 (technically 156.25, but you can't write a quarter 
block) with parity checksums. Thus, without parity checksums, writing 1GB of 
data involves writing 78250 blocks, while doing the same with parity checksums 
involves writing 78282 blocks, a net change of only 32 blocks, or **0.0409%**.

How you would store the checksum ?
I asked that because I am not sure that we could use the "standard" btrfs 
metadata to store the checksum of the parity. Doing so you could face some pathological 
effect like:
- update a block(1) in a stripe(1)
- update the parity of stripe(1) containing block(1)
- update the checksum of parity stripe (1), which is contained in another 
stripe(2) [**]

- update the parity of stripe (2) containing the checksum of parity stripe(1)
- update the checksum of parity stripe (2), which is contained in another 

and so on...

[**] pay attention that the checksum and the parity *have* to be in different 
stripe, otherwise you have the egg/chicken problem: compute the parity, then 
update the checksum, then update the parity again because the checksum is 
Unless I'm completely mistaken about how BTRFS handles parity, it's accounted as part of whatever type of block it's for. IOW, for data chunks, it would be no different from storing checksums for data, and if you're running metadata as parity RAID (which is debatably a bad idea in most cases), checksums for that parity would be handled just like regular metadata checksums. Do note that there is a separate tree structure on-disk that handles the checksums, and I'm not sure if it even makes sense (given how small it is) to checksum the parity for that.

In order to avoid that, I fear that you can't store the checksum over a raid5/6 
BG with parity checksummed;

It is a bit late and I am a bit tired out, so may be that I am wrong however I fear that 
the above "write amplification problem" may be a big problem; a possible 
solution would be storing the checksum in a N-mirror BG (where N is 1 for raid5, 2 for 
N would have to be one more than the number of parities to maintain the same guarantees of reliability. That said, if we had N-way mirroring, that would be far better for metadata on most arrays than parity RAID, as the primary benefit of parity RAID (space efficiency) doesn't really matter much for metadata com pared to access performance.
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