> Acceptable, but not really apply to software based RAID1.

Which completely disregards the minor detail that all the software
Raid's I know of can handle exactly this kind of situation without
loosing or corrupting a single byte of data, (Errors on the remaining
hard drive notwithstanding.)

Exactly what methods they employ to do so I'm not an expert at,, but it
*does* work, contrary to your repeated assertions otherwise.

In any case, thank you the for the patch you wrote.  I will, however,
propose a different solution.

Given the reliance of BTRFS on csum, and the lack of any
resynchronization, (no matter how the drives got out of sync, doesn't
matter.).  I think NoDataCow should just be ignored in the case of RAID,
just like the data blocks would get copied if there was a snapshot.

In the current implementation of RAID on btrfs, RAID and nodatacow are
effectively mutually exclusive.  Consider the kinds of use cases
nodatacow is usually recommended for,  VM images and databases.   Even
though those files should have their own mechanisms for dealing with
incomplete writes, and data verification, BTRFS RAID creates a unique
situation where parts of the file can be inconsistent, with different
data being read depending on which device is doing the reading.

Regardless of which method, short term and long term, developers choose
to address this, this next part I have stress I consider very important.

The status page really needs to be updated to reflect this gotchya.  It
*will* bite people in ways they do not expect, and disastrously.

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