Hi Qu,

I'll split this part into a new thread:

> 2) Don't keep unrelated snapshots in one btrfs.
>    I totally understand that maintain different btrfs would hugely add
>    maintenance pressure, but as explains, all snapshots share one
>    fragile extent tree.

Yes, I understand that this is what I should do given what you
My main problem is knowing how to segment things so I don't end up with
filesystems that are full while others are almost empty :)

Am I supposed to put LVM thin volumes underneath so that I can share
the same single 10TB raid5?

If I do this, I would have
software raid 5 < dmcrypt < bcache < lvm < btrfs
That's a lot of layers, and that's also starting to make me nervous :)

Is there any other way that does not involve me creating smaller block
devices for multiple btrfs filesystems and hope that they are the right
size because I won't be able to change it later?

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