On Tue, Jul 03, 2018 at 03:34:45PM -0600, Chris Murphy wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 3, 2018 at 2:34 AM, Su Yue <suy.f...@cn.fujitsu.com> wrote:
> > Yes, extent tree is the hardest part for lowmem mode. I'm quite
> > confident the tool can deal well with file trees(which records metadata
> > about file and directory name, relationships).
> > As for extent tree, I have few confidence due to its complexity.
> I have to ask again if there's some metadata integrity mask opion Marc
> should use to try to catch the corruption cause in the first place?
> His use case really can't afford either mode of btrfs check. And also
> check is only backward looking, it doesn't show what was happening at
> the time. And for big file systems, check rapidly doesn't scale at all
> anyway.
> And now he's modifying his layout to avoid the problem from happening
> again which makes it less likely to catch the cause, and get it fixed.
> I think if he's willing to build a kernel with integrity checker
> enabled, it should be considered but only if it's likely to reveal why
> the problem is happening, even if it can't repair the problem once
> it's happened. He's already in that situation so masked integrity
> checking is no worse, at least it gives a chance to improve Btrfs
> rather than it being a mystery how it got corrupt.

Yeah, I'm fine waiting a few more ays with this down and gather data if
that helps.
But due to the size, a full btrfs image may be a bit larger than we
want, not counting some confidential data in some filenames.

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