
I have noticed an unusual amount of crc-errors in downloaded rars,
beginning about a week ago. But lets start with the preliminaries. I
am using Debian Stretch.
Kernel: Linux mars 4.9.0-8-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 4.9.110-3+deb9u4
(2018-08-21) x86_64 GNU/Linux
BTRFS-Tools btrfs-progs  4.7.3-1
Smartctl shows no errors for any of the drives in the filesystem.

Btrfs /dev/stats shows zero errors, but dmesg gives me a lot of
filesystem related error messages.

[5390748.884929] Buffer I/O error on dev dm-0, logical block
976701312, async page read
This errors is shown a lot of time in the log.

This seems to affect just newly written files. This is the output of
btrfs scrub status:
scrub status for 1609e4e1-4037-4d31-bf12-f84a691db5d8
        scrub started at Tue Nov 27 06:02:04 2018 and finished after 07:34:16
        total bytes scrubbed: 17.29TiB with 0 errors

What is the probable cause of these errors? How can I fix this?

Thanks in advance for your advice

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