[ personal & list mail ]
On Sat, 3 Jul 1999, Jos Visser wrote:

> I just did the SAIR tests (scoring a miserable 18/23 by the way). I am
> rather new to the Linux certification effort, and I am not sure what the
> relation between SAIR and LPI is. However, I must say that I am pretty
> disappointed with the example exams.

  LPI and SAIR are two completely different enterprises to come to
Linux certification.  The linux-cert mailing list began in november 1998
as a forum to discuss creating a Linux certification program.  Tobin
Maginnis was one of the people who had been working on this, and started
Sair Inc. to commercialize his certification.  Most other people partaking
in the discussions had other insights, and from this emerged LPI.  We
branched off other open mailing lists like this one to discuss specific
issues for the development of the LPI exams, but linux-cert is still open
for general discussions; the Sair people still are lurking there, but I
haven't seen them posting for a while.  See our FAQ
(http://www.lpi.org/faq.html) for the LPI position on Sair and other


        Tom "thriving on chaos" Peters
                NL-1062 KD nr 149       tel.    31-204080204
                        Amsterdam       e-mail  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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