Attached is a text file with three fields separated by colons, +ADw-preferred
term+AD4-:+ADw-synonyms+AD4-:+ADw-definition/description+AD4-.  In discussions, Scott 
Murray and
I thought this would be the easiest format to represent the dictionary data
(we might use some other field delimiter in the future if we need a colon
somewhere--I notice I use one inappropriately in the definition/description
of 'device').  We could easily use numbers within the definition field to
denote different definitions but so far that hasn't been needed.

I post it now to see if this seems on track and to solicit donations of
records (i.e., terms, synonyms, and definitions) or even to see if someone
else wants to finish this.  There are several unfinished spots marked with a
?????, especially the OSI seven layer stack model which, since it doesn't
really fit TCP/IP, I wasn't sure was relevant.  I have used mostly a couple
books I have here (including a networking book, is this too
network-oriented?).  Other useful lists would be the objectives (left them
at work) and maybe some on-line lists (I haven't found any which have lots
of relevant content).

Let me know if this is a hideously uncomfortable format to view and I'll
whip up a script to display it in HTML on my web page (using tables unless
someone really wants a DL list since it only supports two fields).

-Alan Mead

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