On Thu, 8 Jul 1999, A.R. (Tom) Peters wrote:

>   Boy, I think we have a lot of work to do.  If there is inappropriate use
> of jargon etc. that just makes the objectives more cryptic, we should
> correct the objectives.  For instance, I think "log" should be replaced by
> "log file", and "address" should be qualified (e-mail, IP,
> network|ethernet etc.)
> BTW (bY tHE wAY), what do the ** mean?

** means I wasn't sure and wanted to go back and check it's use in the
objectives (which I have not yet done).

(BTW, what wiggy editor am I using here in Pine?  I like vi...  Is this
message legible?)

As for the list and objectives, you're saying that the objectives are not
yet perfect?  No problem, nothing is perfect!  Let's finish the list and
then ask the objective maintainers to go back and refine their objectives as needed.  I
think they are actually pretty close to perfect.


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