Dear mits,

Is that the way your code looks ?

Then the problem is that you have written -
$task = 110 ^ 220 ..;
It should be -
$task = "110^ 220";

In any case, if using databases from perl, try to use the DBI DBD

Then you code will be

use Micro$ostSQL; # Or whatever is the name of the module

my $dbh = Micro$oft->connect(); # Check the perldoc for params
my $query = "select ......"; # put your SQL query here
my $sth = $dbh->query($query);

while( @temp = $sth->fetchrow ) {
        # Now every loop-pass puts one row into the
        # list @temp.
        # You dont have to split anything
        # $temp[0] = 110
        # $temp[1] = 220

Hope this helps.

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