I think sending such info to the list is useful and is not harmful - to
talk briefly.

Raj Mathur wrote:
> >>>>> "Tarun" == Tarun Upadhyay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>     Tarun> [1 <text/plain; us-ascii (7bit)>] Shobhit is right. If
>     Tarun> somebody really wants to care about linux security holes,
>     Tarun> he/she will be on BUGTRAQ or some other security list.
>     Tarun> linux-delhi and linux-india are more regional lists with a
>     Tarun> stronger focus on regional issues. Let us stick to that.
>     Tarun> With Warm Regrds Tarun
>     Tarun> P.S. just imagine Raj, what would happen if we start
>     Tarun> posting every CERT advisory here simply because we dont
>     Tarun> expect more than 10% of list members to be on the CERT
>     Tarun> list.
> This seems to be headed right towards a flame-war, but let's try to
> kill the issue here itself.
> First of all, I assume that many of us are running Linux in critical
> business applications, or plan to soon, and the primary reason for
> posting is to ensure that those of us who do this are not bitten by
> bugs or lacunae which coiuld easily have been prevented by someone
> posting a message saying ``upgrade to 2.2.4''.  The problem with
> reading one extra post is minimal.  The potential damage of not fixing
> an avoidable security hole is unquantifiable, but enormous.
> Secondly, I'm posting very specific bugs which could affect users of
> the lists.  For example, if a theoretical bug affecting all Linux
> installations running E2 cards is posted to BUGTRAQ, I wouldn't post
> it to the list -- how many of us run E2 networks from Linux?  OTOH, if
> it's a bug which affects (say) Netscape 4.5 users, I'll definitely
> post it since I assume many of us run Netscape through Linux.  And on
> a minor note, just forget about all CERT advisories -- who TF cares
> what happens in Solaris/IRIX/NT/...?  It's Linux we're looking at.
> Finally, since I have two roles on the list (both as user and
> administrator), I'd be a bad person to make the final decision about
> this (it's called conflict of interest).  I've stated my point(s) of
> view, please let me have yours so that we can make a decision one way
> or the other.
> Regards,
> -- Raju

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