Linux-Development-Sys Digest #421, Volume #6     Mon, 22 Feb 99 03:14:27 EST

  Re: AGP display card ("Little Fish")
  Re: ATAPI  ZIP drive problem.... (Peter J. de Vrijer)
  libc5 or libc<5.44 (Andrew Sim)
  Re: Calls for new security bits in 2.2x (leslie barstow)
  Re: Linux programming jobs? ("Rich Mycroft")
  Re: raid 5 problems ("Uwe Fechner")
  Re: glibc 2.1 ;) ("Thomas T. Veldhouse")
  Software-only kernel drivers (Ross Vandegrift)
  Re: Linux programming jobs? (Rich)
  Re: memcpy from process to process in module (Jan Brittenson)
  Re: PROOF: Jesus *is* Lord of the Sabbath! ("Jim H.")
  Re: glibc 2.1 ;) (A Guy Called Tyketto)
  [HLP] NFS lockd on linux 2.2.1 (Philippe Depouilly)
  vfget() botch - Exmh 2.0.2


From: "Little Fish" <Little Fish @ Bigpond.splash>
Subject: Re: AGP display card
Date: Mon, 22 Feb 1999 13:15:37 +1000

I have RedHAT 5.2 on a PC100 here is how to get it to work!
Go to the RedHat FTP site and download:

Next mount your file system ready to upgrade your X-server(In my case a ZIP
use  rpm -Uvh XF*.rpm  [enter]
then rpm -Uvh zgv*.rpm [enter]

now move back to the root directory:
Now run XF86config until completed and pick the SIS chipset even if it isn't
a 6326 and pick
the SVGA server. Ramdac = normal (24) and don't probe the clockchips.
Complete the installation and you should be back to the root directory.
type cd /etc/X11 [enter]
type vi XF86Config
Go down to the "Graphics device section"
edit it to look like this:
            Section "Device"
                Identifier                "PC100"
                VendorName        "PC100"
                BoardName          "PC100"
                Chipset                  "sis86c205"
                Option                    "sw_cursor"
                Option                    "no_bitblt"
                VideoRam                8192
                Ramdac                "Normal"
                # Insert Clock lines here if appropriate
Now go to the server section at the end of the file and remove every server
except the SVGA server.
now save the file.[ESC :wq [enter]]
type  cd [enter]
you should be in the root directory again.
type startx [enter]
You should be off at least to a virtual screen you can use!

Little Fish

jackHC wrote in message <7apc9m$g3m$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>hi, does anyone know that Linux 2.0.36 support AGP display card?
>since i got 1 AGP display card w/SIS6326 chip, and hope it can work with my
>If the answer is no, can somebody provide me the way to program the driver
>Thank you for your kind attention.
>Best Regards.
>jackHC, HK Linux User Group


From: Peter J. de Vrijer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: ATAPI  ZIP drive problem....
Date: Tue, 16 Feb 1999 10:11:08 +0100

On Tue, 16 Feb 1999, Joe Radkowski wrote:
>Peter J. de Vrijer wrote:
>> On Fri, 12 Feb 1999, Gyepi Sam wrote:
>> >How are you using fdisk?
>> >How are you calling mount?
>> >If you have any fstab entries for the drive, please post that.
>> >
>> >The Iomega zip drives actually show up as the last partition on the drive.  I don't
>> >know why.
>> >In your case, you'd probably find it at
>> >
>> >    /dev/hdd4
>> Well that must be because Iomega partitioned them that way. I can see no
>> technical reason. In fact you can use fdisk to create an primary partition
>> as the first one (/dev/hdd1). And then put a ext2 fs on it with mkfs.
>> I tried that once. Works perfectly.
>        They did this for a very good technical reason.  Zips are cross platform -- 
>or x86.  Macs only reconize the 4th partition therefore their disks are setup that 

I would call that a _very good_ practical reason. Not a technical reason.
There's no reason why Mac should only use the 4th partition as far as I can see.

Regards Peter.

| Peter J. de Vrijer        e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
|                             werk: [EMAIL PROTECTED]     |
| And perhaps the horse will learn to sing                  |


From: Andrew Sim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: libc5 or libc<5.44
Date: Fri, 19 Feb 1999 23:28:03 +0800

[1]     I am currently trying to set up a IPv6 node. Juz wanted to know
how do you check up if you are using libc5 or libc<5.44? Is there a
command that you can run to check what version you currently have? 

[2]     Where can I ftp the lastest version of Glibc2.1beta?

        Thanx in advance...

                                Name   : Shen Zhen Hua, Andrew
                                E-mail : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                                ICQ No : 17373423


From: leslie barstow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Calls for new security bits in 2.2x
Date: 19 Feb 1999 15:47:19 GMT

Andi Kleen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: In article <79lrqc$72o$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
: leslie barstow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> In my brief foray into the 2.2.x kernel looking for the SECURELEVEL
> replacement, I did not notice any provision in the headers for user-level
> calls to set/clear the new permissions bits.  Are there any?

: Seems your foray was too brief

: % head Makefile 
: % grep cap include/asm/unistd.h  
: #define __NR_capget             184
: #define __NR_capset             185

Okay - an obvious case of braindeath and/or misuse of the grep command.

Les Barstow                        |  Apple ][ Forever!
                                   |  "How may I be honest with you today?"
Disclaimer:  I didn't do it!       |            -- Tuvoc


From: "Rich Mycroft" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.development.apps,comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: Re: Linux programming jobs?
Date: Fri, 19 Feb 1999 10:02:19 -0500

When I was first getting going I agreed with one company to work for 1 month
for free.  At the end of it we could decide if we liked each other and if so
then I would get paid.  Wound up staying for just under a year and the next
job was at Unisys for quite a bit more money.  Worth a shot...

rich mycroft

Marco Anglesio wrote in message ...
>I'd also mention that you're in the capital of a province just coming out
>of recession, with a government about to hand down a budget in the red and
>no other industries, really, around.
>The reason that you're having trouble finding a job in Victoria is because
>there probably aren't many, and the ones that you are fighting for, you
>are fighting for against an oversupply of UVic graduates.
>I would try to take a job as a tech and work your way up. One does not
>become a programmer in a day. Open source experience (putting together
>projects, learning internals) will help. So will, sad to say, getting at
>least a couple of years in university. Even if it has nothing to do with
>programming at all, the existence of some university makes a difference.
>>                                  |     We've been doing anal probing
>>          Marco Anglesio          |     for years now, and all we've
>>         [EMAIL PROTECTED]         |     discovered is that one in ten
>>   |         doesn't seem to mind.
>>                                  |   --Dave Foley, of Kids in the Hall


From: "Uwe Fechner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]äm>
Subject: Re: raid 5 problems
Date: Fri, 19 Feb 1999 14:13:08 +0100

hai steve,
thanks for your reply.

your suggestions are right, i did this all, but it won't work, because
chkraid says is clean,
raidrun says its not.
the solution i found in the faq is to do a
mkraid -f -o /dev/md0
  to create the superblock of the raiddevice new.
this is the only way to leave the deadlock raidrun -> not clean, run chkraid
AND ckraid -> is clean nothing do do.

thanks a lot


Steve Bonds <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>  "Uwe Fechner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]äm> wrote:
>> but then i did the ultimate power off test.
>> so raidstop is not executed.
>> system comes up and checks all disks
>> raidrun says: /dev/md0 is corrupt , run ckraid
>> i run ckraid /dev/md0
>> ckraid says: /dev/md0 is ok, superblock not updated.
>> so i force ckraid to check the drive, (takes a long time)
>> ckraid says: /dev/md0 is ok, superblock not updated.
>> all data is lost (if there where som data, is only test)
>> has someone a suggestion?
>When your system starts up, the /etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit file does a "raidadd
>-a", which registers all the md devices.  Then it fails to complete the
>"raidrun -a" since one of them wasn't stopped properly.  It never goes back
>to stop the RAID devices before dropping you to a shell.
>The problem is that the system lets you "ckraid" an actively registered
>device, which won't work and creates some very puzzling error messages.
>Remember all those warnings you saw in the documentation about this being
>alpha quality, etc?  Here's one of the reasons.  ;->
>Try a "cat /proc/mdstats" to see whether there are any raid devices
>active.  If so, run "raidstop /dev/md<whatever>", check "/proc/mdstats" to
>make sure there's nothing active, and then run
"ckraid --force-check --fix".
>It should be a lot happier now.  You'll need to re-run "raidadd -a &&
>-a" to start the raid devices. Don't forget to e2fsck the device-- it'll
>probably need it!  ;->
>It's probably too late to help you this time around, but maybe someone else
>will have the same problem later and stumble across this posting.
>  -- Steve Bonds
>PS: I might have the arguments to ckraid off by a little bit-- I'm not at
>Linux box right now to double check.  They should be very, very close,


From: "Thomas T. Veldhouse" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: glibc 2.1 ;)
Date: Fri, 19 Feb 1999 10:36:55 -0600

It was posted on as follows:

glibc-2.1 has been (temporarily) removed, until some
political issues are worked out.

Peter Mardahl wrote in message <7a37kg$ie9$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>Paul D. Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>%% [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Nathan Paul Simons) writes:
>>  nps> Now, in case you haven't heard, glibc 2.1 has been pulled due to
>>  nps> licensing problems and won't be available for a while.
>>This is completely wrong.  I don't know where this rumor got started,
>>but the reason glibc 2.1 was pulled from has absolutely
>>nothing to do with any licensing.
>>The real reason is even... stranger...
>I'd love to know the real reason.  I saw the "licensing rumor" on


From: Ross Vandegrift <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Software-only kernel drivers
Date: Sat, 20 Feb 1999 19:21:23 -0500

Hey everyone,
        I ahve a reasonable model for a sound mixer for hy Leaf Project
(, and am looking at getting started on
the kernel part.  I have been using the source, and have realized that
most kernel drivers do not serve as good models for my education - it
seems most of them require a hardware backend (those that outb to
somewhere), or dump data into oblivion (drivers like the dummy net
driver).  I need to write a driver that takes data passd to it, ands
hands it over to *software*.
        This is an odd problem, and I have an idea how to manage it with some
user-space driver magic.  The driver will load in an uncompleted state. 
Any programs trying to open it will fail when it tries to operate,
unless a certain set of function calls are called.  If they are, it will
be recognized that the daemon that drives the device is opening, and
pointers will be passed back to the device, so it can (presubably) hand
data back to the daemon.  First, will this setup work?  Second, is this
a good way to do this?  And, finally, are there any drivers that only
operate on software without throwing away all it's input?

Ross Vandegrift | Eric J. Fenderson

ATTENTION:  I have **finally** gotten my permit!!!


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.development.apps,comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: Re: Linux programming jobs?
Date: Sun, 21 Feb 1999 00:24:16 GMT

On 19 Feb 1999 11:04:48 -0800, David T. Blake <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>A decent contract programmer who actually finishes jobs
>in a respectable time frame makes $50-90/hr, depending
>on the reputation of the programmer and the sort of work.

   Yes, but he also gets to pay $1200.00/month for an apartment
that you couldn't give away for free in other areas of the
country.  :-)  ( Unless you want a 2-hour commute to work... )

   When people quote salaries, you always have to find out the
cost of living in the area, if you want to know how much you
will REALLY end up putting in the bank.

- Rich

Rich Mulvey                                
Amateur Radio: aa2ys@wb2wxq.#wny.ny.usa


From: Jan Brittenson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: memcpy from process to process in module
Date: 20 Feb 1999 15:45:06 PST

Dave Platt wrote:
> > I'm writing a kernel module that implements Send/Receive/Reply
> > message passing similar to that of the QNX Real-Time O/S.
> Another option is to set up a shared-memory pool which is mapped into
> both (or all) processes' memory spaces.  This can be done using the
> System V shmem features, or by using mmap() on a shared file.
> Construct the messages in the shared memory area (using either
> user-mode spinlocks or kernel-mode locks, or both, to avoid
> contention), and use signals, or I/O to a trivially-small driver, as a
> way of informing the other processes that messages are ready.

This would obviously be the way to do it.  Use a mutex to protect
each receive queue and a condition variable that signals when something
was added to the queue so a process (or just a thread) can block waiting
for something to arrive.

The drawback is that for efficient buffer management each process has
to map the shared segment(s) in the same location(s).  This will cause
problems if one of the processes already has something at that virtual
address.  (mmap will silently unmap whatever was there... a good reason
use SysV shmem primitives as they are less automatic and provide means
for a
program make a graceful exit.)


From: "Jim H." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: PROOF: Jesus *is* Lord of the Sabbath!
Date: Sun, 21 Feb 1999 22:07:20 -0800

I'm sure you had a point to make, it's just that I didn't get it! I never said I
wasn't a bit thick (heh).

Johan Kullstam wrote:

> "Jim H." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > The assumption seems to be that just because we are gay, we can't also be
> > Christians. It's a pretty narrow minded viewpoint. If we don't practice our
> > religion and worship EXACTLY like he does we must be wrong. Well, if there
> > really is a day of reckoning there will be one hell of a big line of
> > "so-called" Christians trying to come up with the right answers.
> no, to be a *real* christian, your opening sentence needs to be *at
> least* 50 words.
> --
> Johan Kullstam [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Don't Fear the Penguin!


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (A Guy Called Tyketto)
Subject: Re: glibc 2.1 ;)
Date: 20 Feb 1999 20:10:44 -0600


        Okay... I'll be blunt.

        For whatever smegging reason, (the gods only know what), glibc-2.1
has been pulled. That's said, and done. Why, you can easily argue 
endlessly in the gnu.* groups and any advocacy group here. But that doesn't
solve the problem: When will the next good release of glibc be, will there
be any binary dists, and what sort of time frame would there be for it?

        I'm using glibc-2.0.7pre6, compiled on my own, unfortunately
without the crypt add-on, and it's coming to sting me with a couple of
programs that I would like to use. glibc-2.1 compiled clean for me, but
failed on make check/test/whatever. I was calling myself coming here for
any questions, etc. on how to get through those, and emailing GNU, until
I saw this thread. So the question above remains. Despite all the
going back and forth on what things break, what doesn't, etc...

        When will the next release of GLIBC be?

- -- 
Brad Littlejohn                         | Email:        [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Unix Systems Administrator,             |            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
WebMaster, NewsMaster.. Smeghead! :)    |
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Comment: Sponsored by Zimmerman, Unix, and the letters PGP. :)



From: Philippe Depouilly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.development.networking
Subject: [HLP] NFS lockd on linux 2.2.1
Date: Tue, 09 Feb 1999 09:51:20 +0100


First : i'm french and i have a poor english, so.....

Second :

I have a problem on RedHat 5.2 with kernel 2.2.1.

I have mounted several directories on NFS from a Sun Solaris 2.6.

And i have this messages logging on linux :

Feb  9 09:28:36 goya kernel: lockd: failed to monitor

(goya is the linux client and is the solaris NFS server)

i want to use nmh (xmh) to read my mail which is NFS mounted from the
server) and inc reply :

inc: unable to lock and fopen /var/spool/mail/root

the NFS directory allows rw and root access for the linux client

I can create and delete a file in the /var/spool/mail as user or as

It seems to be a problem of locking file on NFS remote dir.

Do you have any idea how to correct this.

the kernel logs are not coming only from the nmh requests but from all
access on this directory.

Thank you,



Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.development.apps,
Subject: vfget() botch - Exmh 2.0.2
Date: 22 Feb 1999 02:56:33 GMT

Hi All,

I am running kernel 2.2.1, SMP PPro 128Mb, SCSI & IDE, RH5.2 + 2.2.1
required updates.

Server has been running 21 days no problems. 

Now I am unable to send email using exmh, but sending by sendmail
is OK (otherwise you would not have not this message).

I get a return mail from exmh saying:

post: vfgets() botch -- you lose big -- Message not delivered to anyone.

Only other problem was some inode corruptions (I suspose its
another patchable item) but e2fsck fixed everything OK on
reboot. Everything else looks and works fine but I am still
got this exmh problem.

rpm verification indicates that the installed exmh pacakge is OK.

Comments (an hopefully a solution).
Thanks, Grahame.

Anti-Spamming Enabled in FQDN.
Email: gmkelly (at) zip (dot) com (dot) au 
Sydney Linux User Group - Member



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