*** About building Eclipse ***

Building Eclipse is not a simple process. You can not simply download a
tarball from eclipse.org and
build it in a way suitable for inclusion in a Linux distribution. There are
a lot of manual interactions needed.

*** About eclipse-build ***

With eclipse-build we hope to simplify the build significantly.
Current plan is to create:
1. Working ant build. - The ultimate goal for this part is to make building
eclipse as simple as :
- svn co
- ./fetch-sources.sh
- ant
And produce a zip file containing ready to use eclipse sdk.
2. Common place and infrastructure for storing/applying patches needed for
clean build
on various linux distributions.
3. Standardize the usage of system libraries.

Overall PLAN:
1. Create a working build using upstream srcIncluded build.
2. Create a script to fetch sources from cvs.
3. Fix to properly build with the fetched sources.
4. Put all patches we have in Fedora srpm here so other distros can easily
reuse them.
Others are welcome.

End Goal:
Produce an archive  (.tar.bz2, tar.gz, *) that can be used un-modified to
build the Eclipse SDK using as simple ant invocation as possible.

Detailed todo with the current issues we have to fix can be found in the
TODO file in svn.

Alexander Kurtakov
linux-distros-dev mailing list

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