
I spent some time today working on a new look for the website:


I put a link in the main navigation bar for the status of Eclipse packages in distributions. It's a wiki page so anyone with an eclipse.org bugzilla account can modify it. I put information about Fedora's packages. Other distro people: please update the page. Feel free to re-format and put into alphabetical order by distro name or something.


As for the main website, most of the sub-project pages still need to be filled in. I'd like those working on the sub-projects to be responsible for their pages:

Jeff -> Autotools
Phil/Jeff -> ChangeLog
Alex -> eclipse-build
Kent -> OProfile
Alex -> RPM Stubby
Alphonse/Alex -> Specfile Editor
Phil -> Systemtap Editor
Elliott -> Valgrind

(I took Kent's OProfile wiki page and made it PHP/HTML if you want something on which to base your work.)

Everything is in CVS:


(non-committers ... just use bugzilla or email/IRC or something if you have patches - we'd love them! :)

Module:  www/linuxtools

Now that the website is getting under control, I'm going to move on to getting an update site and zip downloads going!

Happy holidays,

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