> does anyone use this card (or at least the 
> mantis chip)?
I use it, or to be more precice, I use a Twinhan AD-CP300, that has the
Mantis 2033.
The Twinhan and the DigitalRise look pretty similiar to me.

I asked Manu when h is going to provide the CI/CAM Software, which I'm
waiting for more than half a year now.

He seems to be pretty busy, which is a pity.
>  how is the quality and compatibility with e.g. mplayer and this 
> card? 
When I use it, then I use it with Kaffeeine. Since the AD-CP300 has no
CI/CAM support yet,
most of the time I use one of several TT-C2300 cards.
Here the CI/CAM works for encrypted KabelDeutschland (KD) channels.
However, my impression is that the AD-CP300 together with Kaffeine makes
a better picture
then the TT-2300 together with Vdr-1.4.x/TvTime.
The DeInterlacer of TvTime is supposed to be very good, but, perhaps,
the TT-C2300  is not that good.
> I have read about H.264 support on this card on a shop's homepage, but 
> the manufacture's homepage does not mention H264 support. Does this card have 
> H.264 support?
I have no idea! But where do you live that you have a H.264 stream via

Ciao Ruediger D.

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