On Mon, 17 May 1999, Brendan Simon wrote:

> We have tried the Disk-On-Chip on a PC/104 board, and we were not able to get it to
> work, although apparently some people have.

Apart from all the "legal" issues of using the DiskOnChip, we have
managed to get it to work on a PC-104 board with a normal Award Bios.
M-sys supplies the drivers and the documentation.
If you follow the directives as given in their documentation you can get
it to work.

I must say that it is by no means as convenient as using a real IDE
flash disk. But after installation it works fine. 
My concern however is the amount of work involved for each DOC.
In other words: The current procedure of using commands from DOS to
install new firmware on the the DOC, then fdisk-ing and mke2fs-ing under
linux and then reinstalling the original firmware does not seem to be
very suitable for production.

>From my point of view, that is main reason why I would like to see the
complete product supported by the Linux developers. I you are concerned
about the GPL then use a real IDE flash disk. It is easier anyhow.


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