> I want to connect a microcontroler designed device (8051 or 68hc11) to a
> serveur via ppp link over a modem line. I have not enough space to embed
> a linux kernel (I don't want any file system, ...).

Hey Daniel, 

Here's a commercial approach. I've never tried this stuff, but they 
say it runs on 8051, I didn't read the whole CPU list so I dion't 
know about the 68HC11. They have a free trial download.


-_ Gary A James
-_ Critical Link, LLC         Voice:  315.425.4045 x218  
-_ 404 Oak St.                Fax:    315.425.4048    
-_ Syracuse, NY 13203     
-_ WEB:    http://www.criticallink.com

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