Ericsson is also working on something they call "E-box" that will be
used for a number of home applications. They are also determined to
use Linux, which kinda caused a lot of noise among their suppliers
around here (which is good :-). The latter now have to hire "Linux
kids", aginst their wishes. Well, well...


/Edin       <º))))><

"A man flattened by an opponent can get up again.
 A man flattened by conformity stays down for good." 
 (T. Watson Jr.)
On Mon, 28 Jun 1999, Fredric Fredricson wrote:

> I don't know about success stories but I read that Axis communications
> ( are using or plan to use Linux in an embedded
> environment in one of their products. 
> /Fredric
> (they are advertising for programmers, see:
> under Linux specialist)
> John Lombardo wrote:
> > 
> > Hello linux-embedded subscribers,
> > 
> > I've been following this list for awhile and have contributed once or twice.
> > I'm working on a presentation that I'll be giving in August at LinuxWorld in
> > San Jose, CA.  And I'd like to share some success stories/case studies with
> > my audience.  So if anyone has a great embedded Linux success story they
> > would like me to talk about during my presentation, please either post to
> > the list or email me directly.
> > 
> > The information I'll ask for is:
> > 1) What hardware platform are you selling your system on?  What are the
> > costs.
> > 2) How did you do your software development?  Did you start from scratch and
> > build from there or did you start from one of the other distributions and
> > pear it down from there?
> > 3) How do you handle administration?  Do your users telnet into the box or
> > do you have some sort of other tool to do it.
> > 4) What kind of sales have you done in your market segment?
> > 
> > Also, please don't share any information that you don't want the world to
> > know.  I'm working on several Imbedded projects myself, so I don't want to
> > know any proprietary information that you don't want me to use in the
> > marketplace :)
> > 
> > Best Regards,
> > John Lombardo

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