Can someone *Please* send me a known working kernel and initrd combo for an i386.

I seem to be haveing some trouble creating one that will work...  

The kernel can't find init. Works great if I execute it with chroot, but not when the 
trys to find it.  Actually it appears that the kernel isn't accessing the ramdisk 
after it mounts it as it can't find /dev/console and it dosen't find /bin/sh either.

All of which are on the rootdisk look perfectly good (and in the correct spot) when 
on /mnt and can be executed via chroot /mnt <program>

FYI /bin/sh is the last ditch attempt of the kernel to find a program to execute 
before it 

Richard A. Smith                         Bitworks, Inc.               
[EMAIL PROTECTED]               501.846.5777                        
Sr. Design Engineer   

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