Hi all,
The Linus has run on my machine ( r3912 ).
I want to write a thread program.
It will fail in load library.
The kernel will show error message
>error in loading shared libraries
>/lib/libpthread.so.0 : undefined symbol : __sched_get_priority_max
Is there any patch files I need?
Appreciate in advance.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <pthread.h>
int FirstThread()
 printf("test thread!!");
 return 1;
int main(void)
 int rtn=-1;
 pthread_t MyThread;
 /* Call Thread */
 printf("-------> FirstThread\n");
 rtn = pthread_create(    &MyThread,
      (pthread_attr_t *) NULL,
      NULL );
 if(rtn == 0)
  pthread_join( MyThread, NULL);
 return 1;
-----------------------------------End of testpthread.c---------------------------------------------

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