Hi everybody,
I have made small linux system (nearly 4 MBytes) that runs on a DOM
(Disk On Module)
with the help of the "Linux Bootdisk HOWTO document".

Although I have done all the configuration details that is told in the
document, I have a problem about loginning on to my linux.

After "login" prompt, no "password" prompt comes to the screen and
whatever I write to the username login fails. As seen below:
"login: root

Login Incorrect

login: "

/etc/pam.conf   PAM (pluggable authentication modules), 
configurations seem correct. Also the binaries are working (no problem
in the libraries). But i cannot find where the problem is. 

I'll be glad if somebody can help me about this login problem
In advance thank you for your help.

NOTE: when i remove /sbin/init program, the system cannot start a login
process and runs a shell on the default console. Everything is working
on my system except the login process. 


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