
In this embedded system I'm using a modified LEM 6.1. It has a read only
root filesystem. I have a problem. I cannot login as root from network, or
with su. This system will run without screen and keyboard, and I'll use
telnet to admin/maintain it.

I would like to be able to login as root or su to root, i cannot do
either one. I have added ttyp0 and ttyp1 to /etc/securetty, still I cannot
login as root with telnet. 

SU_WHEEL_ONLY is set to no in /etc/login.defs, but this doesn't help, I
cannot su to root.

I'll get prompted for password when su-ing or telnetting, but root has no
passwd. I gave root a passwd, this didn't help.

Any ideas how to solve this?


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