> Hi,
> thanks for your answer.
> I started my client with the boot cd-rom and then checked that they are
> files in /dev, and yes, I can see all the devices (regarding hard drive
> I've got hdx and sdx)
> Kernel version :
> 2.6.16-fai-kernels #1 smp
> My hardware :
> I'm using an amd 64 3000+ with a gigabyte motherboard :
> IDEamd74xx  10de0054YesnVidia CorporationCK804 Serial ATA
> Controllersata_nv  10de0055YesnVidia CorporationCK804 Serial ATA
> Controllersata_nv  10de005c-nVidia CorporationCK804 PCI Bridge
> What I don't understand is why it is the same thing for an ide and sata
> file ?
> It is like the modules are not loading ?

I don't know whether the modules aren't loading or the controller isn't
supported/the modules aren't provided by that kernel - Holger, could you help?

IDE vs. SATA probably won't make any difference as it is the controller (which
is probably the same for both), which isn't supported.


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