I found no way to get the installed fai client bootet.
I checked all BIOS settings in VBox, all storage controlers etc.. no way..
Client gets installed fine -> reboot -> blank screen with cursor in the upper 
left corner or if again booting via pxe -> „FATAL: INT18: BOOT FAILURE“.
I assume Vbox doesn’t find GRUB for whatever reason.. I give up..


> On 05 Feb 2016, at 16:43, Ronald Steele <rste...@adaptivemethods.com> wrote:
> To use next-server faiserver, faiserver must be in your /etc/hosts and have 
> the ip address that is accessible to your client (not “localhost”).
> It used to be that the hostname was usually assigned to the IP address of the 
> first or primary network interface.  Somewhere along the line that changed to 
> having the host name assigned to localhost.  This is a BAD THING in my mind, 
> but most if not all Linux distro’s do this.  I guess it makes sense in a DHCP 
> driven world.
> The access denied is telling you the NFS won’t let the mount happen.  You 
> need to edit /etc/export to add the file system you want to mount and then do 
> “exportfs -a” on the command line.
> I’ve found editing /etc/exports to be a dark art and I’ve only gotten it to 
> work as expect when using a * (asterisk) for the network restriction, I.E. 
> open to all.
> BWT, I’m still stuck at booting after the install with an BOOT INT18 error, 
> which apparently means a non-bootable disk.  I’m moving on to VmWare as 
> that’s my final target, but I would love to know if anyone gets this to work 
> with VB.
> Ron
>> On Feb 5, 2016, at 10:23 AM, Christian Linden <lindoma...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> after I replaced „next-server faiserver“ with „next-server“ 
>> the pxe boot starts well.
>> Actually I’m stuck at „mount.nfs: access denied by server while mounting 
>> But I’m confident getting this resolved as well =P
>> Cheers,
>> Chris
>>> On 26 Jan 2016, at 23:56, Thomas Lange <la...@informatik.uni-koeln.de> 
>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> On Tue, 26 Jan 2016 22:34:34 +0000, Ronald Steele 
>>>>>>>> <rste...@adaptivemethods.com> said:
>>>> And the network connection of the host must be wired.  I know this doesn’t 
>>>> seem to make sense, but there are
>>>> apparently hardware issues at work.
>>> I just want to emphasis that a bridged network with WLAN does not
>>> work (in most cases), and using a wired network on your host (on which
>>> the VM's are running) is important.
>>> P.S.: your dropbox screenshots work for me.
>>> --
>>> regards Thomas
>> --
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