On Sun, 10 Oct 1999, Jeff Garzik wrote:

> (re-directed to linux-fsdevel)
> Guest section DW wrote:
> > 
> > > Both HFS and QNXFS has been in the kernel for quite some time,
> > > yet both are flagged Experimental.
> > 
> > Just as well. At least qnx4 still contains bad bugs.
> > I have no information on hfs.
> Someone (A. Viro?) posted recently to linux-kernel that QNX had no
> current maintainer.  And I am guessing neither fs has been updated in
> quite some time, possibly since before the big 2.3.x fs changes...
Well, if we're to base the (EXPERIMENTAL) based on that it hasn't been
rewritten for v2.3.x, several other filesystems should be marked...

My opinion is, that if the filesystem was functional and acceptably
bugfree in the v2.2.x shape,  I think we should regard the FS as
non-experimental, because I take it for certain that all FS's will be
rewritten for the new v2.3 changes. If not, they should be removed,
or at least their config-options.

But your post answers my question concerning QNX, I guess. My question
still remains valid for HFS, however.

  _                                                                 _ 
 // David Weinehall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> /> Northern lights wander      \\
//  Project MCA Linux hacker        //  Dance across the winter sky // 
\>  http://www.acc.umu.se/~tao/    </   Full colour fire           </ 

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