On Sun, 10 Oct 1999, Jeff Garzik wrote:

> (re-directed to linux-fsdevel)
> Guest section DW wrote:
> > 
> > > Both HFS and QNXFS has been in the kernel for quite some time,
> > > yet both are flagged Experimental.
> > 
> > Just as well. At least qnx4 still contains bad bugs.
> > I have no information on hfs.
> Someone (A. Viro?) posted recently to linux-kernel that QNX had no
> current maintainer.  And I am guessing neither fs has been updated in
> quite some time, possibly since before the big 2.3.x fs changes...

It definitely seems to be orphaned. Somebody had touched qnx/inode.c in
2.3.19, maybe they will show up and tell what is going on? It got into the
tree in 2.1.120 and since then was, erm, maintained when the global
changes/cleanups happened (aside of the last patchlet - it looks like
somebody began playing with the thing again). It doesn't look too scary -
UNIX fs as UNIX fs, but somebody ought to get the documentation on layout.
I can look after it, but it will require documentation + couple of fs
images for testing. 

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