Matthew Kirkwood wrote:

> On Sat, 20 Nov 1999, Hans Reiser wrote:
> > > I can see LVM getting into a standard kernel but not really ext3
> > > (journalling ext2) or reiserfs. Ext3 adds stuff to the buffer cache
> > > behaviour that needs further figuring for 2.3.x to make Linus happy.
> > > Reiserfs exports half of the buffer cache into itself and includes
> > > extra C files in fs/buffer.c and has similar questions to solve.
> >
> > We are throwing out most of the schedule tracking stuff that gets
> > included into buffer.c as part of our SMP overhaul, and that should be
> > done soon (it is being debugged now.)
> Cool..
> > That said, we don't distrurb other folks's code, so why is it such an
> > issue?
> Because you might disturb other folks' _data_, if reiserfs goes wonky.

Not if you don't configure reiserfs on.... and if you do, then we can follow a
dereferenced pointer and corrupt your data anyway....

Really, extremism is to be avoided in such matters, because safety from bad
programming is never complete.

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them, actually, and that's why we now have sponsors....:)


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