I think that if you use the SuSE kernel you'll get a nicely patched well supported
LVM for which we are developing a reiserfs resizer which SuSE will also support.
(SuSE is a sponsor for ReiserFS.)  I expect that LVM will eventually make it into the
kernel,  all of the FS developers that I know of for Linux have recommended that
Linus add it.  If you use a SuSE patched kernel you'll just get it somewhat earlier
is all.


Christopher Horn wrote:

> Heinz Mauelshagen wrote:
> > Linus already got it several times but he seems to be _very_ quiet in this area.
> Have any of the core developers had any comments about it? Are there any
> arguments for why it should not be folded into the kernel?
> > Maybe some nice noise from your side could be helpfull ;*)
> It would be a blessing, especially if the journaling Ext2 or Reiserfs
> stuff was also folded into 2.4 as well. The lack of a LVM and a JFS have
> unfortunately kept any serious Linux use out of our shop for a while
> now.
> Cheers,
> Chris

Get Linux (http://www.kernel.org) plus ReiserFS
 (http://devlinux.org/namesys).  If you sell an OS or
internet appliance, buy a port of ReiserFS!  If you
need customizations and industrial grade support, we sell them.

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