Richard B. Johnson wrote:
> For instance, there was a simple new change in the type of
> an object passed to poll and friends. This just cost me two
> weeks of unpaid work! Unpaid because I had to hide it. If
> anyone in Production Engineering had learned about this, the
> stuff would have been thrown out, the MicroCreeps would have
> settled in with "I told you so..", and at least three of us
> would have lost our jobs.

Someone misrepresented Linux to management, eh?
I'm not surprised you're getting flak.

If management know what they got into by approving Linux, you should be
paid for your work.  If they don't, someone misrepresented Linux and
that doesn't do you any good in the long run.

The kernel developers have always been clear that the core APIs change
from time to time, especially in the development branch.  They have
therefore represented Linux accurately.

> Once you claim to have a "Professional Operating System",
> its development must be handled in a professional way.

You didn't know what you were really buying into when you started using
Linux?  I'm absolutely /sure/ the kernel developers have made it clear:
the APIs will change from time to time.  It has never been secret.  You
should not be surprised.

> If major kernel interface components continue to change, Linux is in a
> heap of trouble as are most all of those who are trying to incorporate
> it into new designs.

If you need a stable API, you chose the wrong operating system.  It's no
secret that Linux APIs change.  You can't blame the kernel developers
for doing exactly what they said they will do.  If you want, you can
blame the people who incorrectly assumed the APIs would stay the same,
for not investigating the obvious.

An all cases you should be paid for your work unless you were the one
who told management "let's use Linux, the APIs will not be a problem".

have a nice day,
-- Jamie

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