Richard B. Johnson wrote:
   > For instance, there was a simple new change in the type of
   > an object passed to poll and friends. This just cost me two
   > weeks of unpaid work! Unpaid because I had to hide it. If
   > anyone in Production Engineering had learned about this, the
   > stuff would have been thrown out, the MicroCreeps would have
   > settled in with "I told you so..", and at least three of us
   > would have lost our jobs.

You had the choice of not upgrading to the latest kernel, didn't you?

If it was you who chose to upgrade to the latest kernel, why are you
complaining to us?

If you told your management that Linux kernel interfaces never change
across versions, then you were sadly mistaken.  However, the mistake is
on your end, I'm afraid.

                                                - Ted

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