On Wed, 10 May 2006, Alan Robertson wrote:

> Brian A. Seklecki wrote:
> >
> > When this macro fails, it sets:
> >
> > config.log:SWIG='swig not found'
> > config.status:s,@SWIG@,swig not found,;t t
> >
> > ...instead of causing a configure failure.  This pasive failure later
> > translates into attemps to exec the program "swig" with argument "not
> > present".
> >
> > We might add a hook to check if --disable-swig is not set to make that
> > fatal.  --disable-swig is set by ConfigureMe in ConfigureLinux(), but
> > that's it.
> We really shouldn't have a --disable-swig option any more.  Or at least
> if we do, we need to also --disable-mgmt (or eventually
> --disable-mgmt-client).

Just a quick check on semantics...

At first read, I interpreted:
   "really shouldn't have a --disable-swig option any more"
to mean "swig is now compulsory", therefore fatal configure-time error.

But perhaps you mean it falls into the "nice but not essential" category
that we now handle with "--enable-XXX=try" constructions.

For the sake of new users getting something, anything, started being
tolerant of lack of optional components is very desirable.  Therefore
lack of (an optional) swig should not be a fatal configure-time error
(although it might well issue a warning about reduced functionality).

So if swig isn't actually essential, then "--enable-swig=try" would be the
ideal default.  (Of course, this may expose internal configure bugs if the
configure stuff doesn't correctly follow this through, but we have other
instances to act as a model to get this right.)

But perhaps you meant "lack of swig implies that the mgmt stuff cannot
build, therefore implies we must also '--disable-mgmt-client'".

Could you clarify?

Thanks.  (Sorry I've been so quiet on the list after the flurry of
activity a few weeks ago.  Fluctuating local circumstances...)


:  David Lee                                I.T. Service          :
:  Senior Systems Programmer                Computer Centre       :
:                                           Durham University     :
:  http://www.dur.ac.uk/t.d.lee/            South Road            :
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