David Lee wrote:
On Wed, 10 May 2006, Alan Robertson wrote:

Brian A. Seklecki wrote:
When this macro fails, it sets:

config.log:SWIG='swig not found'
config.status:s,@SWIG@,swig not found,;t t

...instead of causing a configure failure.  This pasive failure later
translates into attemps to exec the program "swig" with argument "not

We might add a hook to check if --disable-swig is not set to make that
fatal.  --disable-swig is set by ConfigureMe in ConfigureLinux(), but
that's it.

We really shouldn't have a --disable-swig option any more.  Or at least
if we do, we need to also --disable-mgmt (or eventually

Just a quick check on semantics...

At first read, I interpreted:
   "really shouldn't have a --disable-swig option any more"
to mean "swig is now compulsory", therefore fatal configure-time error.

But perhaps you mean it falls into the "nice but not essential" category
that we now handle with "--enable-XXX=try" constructions.

For the sake of new users getting something, anything, started being
tolerant of lack of optional components is very desirable.  Therefore
lack of (an optional) swig should not be a fatal configure-time error
(although it might well issue a warning about reduced functionality).

So if swig isn't actually essential, then "--enable-swig=try" would be the
ideal default.  (Of course, this may expose internal configure bugs if the
configure stuff doesn't correctly follow this through, but we have other
instances to act as a model to get this right.)

But perhaps you meant "lack of swig implies that the mgmt stuff cannot
build, therefore implies we must also '--disable-mgmt-client'".

Could you clarify?

Thanks.  (Sorry I've been so quiet on the list after the flurry of
activity a few weeks ago.  Fluctuating local circumstances...)

I was quick and imprecise in my reply. Your suggestions are all correct as far as I can tell.

We probably should change it to default to try, BUT, if it doesn't work, and the management daemon is marked as enabled (not try or off), then it should become fatal.

So:  We do NOT yet have an autoconf option for --enable-mgmt-client:
We DO have an autoconf option called --enable-mgmt.

If enable-mgmt is set on (not to off or try), then swig is no longer optional.

If swig is set to try and mgmt is set to try and swig is not present, then mgmt should be disabled automatically.

Is this any better?

    Alan Robertson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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