On 2006-05-31T07:37:34, Alan Robertson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> >are you saying that there should be higher limit or no limit in IPC-only 
> >messages? I think the message layer can provide another API for that
> I don't remember how much burden such a change would be on the IPC layer.
> But it seems to me that unless all local messages are uncompressed, it 
> seems like we need a higher limit at the very least...

Well, we sort-of need a fix for this soon, as the Transition Graph keeps
growing and growing, and XML is pretty noisy, and if I got Andrew right,
a 6-10 node cluster with one or two clones will already bite us in the
heel here.

Short-term, I think Andrew should really consider writing the graph to a
file and having the PE/TE exchange that token only.

(Implementation detail/tangent: I think it'd be nice if the PE passed a
regular XML graph, but if that then had an include statement refering to
the external file, the PE could always decide how it wanted to pass
this; might be useful for debugging to be able to always write the TE
out or not...)

Mid-term, we need the IPC limit increased for local messaging.

Long-term, we need a more efficient way of dealing with clones, which
alas will incur changes down to the RA level. (ie, not having to query
for each clone child separately, but sending a single query and getting
them all and such stuff for other ops too.)

    Lars Marowsky-Brée

High Availability & Clustering
SUSE Labs, Research and Development
SUSE LINUX Products GmbH - A Novell Business     -- Charles Darwin
"Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge"

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