On Jun 8, 2006, at 3:58 PM, Lars Marowsky-Bree wrote:

On 2006-06-08T07:39:15, linux-ha-cvs@lists.linux-ha.org wrote:

linux-ha CVS committal

Author  : andrew
Host    : 
Project : linux-ha
Module  : crm

Dir     : linux-ha/crm/pengine/testcases

Modified Files:
797.dot 797.exp bad3.dot bad3.exp bad4.dot bad4.exp bad6.dot 
bad6.exp master-10.dot master-2.dot notify-1.dot notify-2.dot 
notify-3.dot orphan-1.dot orphan-1.exp params-1.dot 
params-1.exp params-2.dot params-2.exp probe-0.dot 
rec-rsc-2.dot rec-rsc-2.exp 

Log Message:
Shift more non-status functionality out of the lib directory

That may be a silly observation, but if you're only shifting code
around, why does this affect the testcases?

not silly at all dear chap...

it changes the oder actions are created in, thus the IDs they get and the order they show up in the .dot file.

annoying but true (yes I checked that changing the order was all it did). 


Andrew Beekhof

"Would the last person to leave please turn out the enlightenment?" - TISM

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