On Thu, 26 Apr 2007, Dejan Muhamedagic wrote:

> It is not clear which standard should be followed. I think that
> there's also something like POSIX shell, but no idea how
> widespread.

"heartbeat" is a GNU-based project, both in licence and in much of its
supporting technology.  So I'd suggest that the GNU Coding Standards (GCS)
are the best starting point:

for guiding these sorts of discussion.

For this particular question see its "7.2.2 Utilities in Makefiles":

   "Write the Makefile commands (and any shell scripts, such as configure)
   to run in sh, not in csh. Don't use any special features of ksh or bash."

That's good, clean, clear, simple advice from GNU.  I'd suggest it should
be our "99%" guide.

(I recommend at least a skim read of the whole of GCS; it gives a decent
mind-set for portable programming.)

Hope that helps!  Best wishes.


:  David Lee                                I.T. Service          :
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