On Friday 13 July 2007, Alan Robertson wrote:
> Andrew Beekhof wrote:
> > On 7/12/07, Lars Marowsky-Bree <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> On 2007-07-12T12:26:35, Andrew Beekhof <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>
> >> > >Andrew has some more critical bugfixes pending / under development
> >> (one
> >> > >of them is a STONITH shutdown ordering thing which he tells me is
> >> fairly
> >> > >difficult (and thus translates to 1 FTE year or 1 Andrew day)),
> >> > Thanks for the compliment, but I didn't realize i was working on
> >> this :-)
> >> > As yet I've still no idea how to achieve it so its unlikely to be part
> >> > of this release.
> >>
> >> OK, then we need to at least document it.
> > 
> > Agreed.
> > Do we have somewhere for that? (I mean outside of bugzilla where it is
> > now).
> > 
> >> Is the work-around which Joachim did - by creating the manual ordering
> >> constraints - sufficient and safe?
> > 
> > Should be - I'll double check.
> > 
> >> Do we have anything else major?
> > 
> > There were a couple of commits about 17 hours ago - I don't know if
> > they made it in.
> I looked at all the commits in 'dev' in detail, and brought them all
> forward to 'test' - so everything as of this moment has made it in.
I have a question about releases.

It seems the main developers and the release team have a kind of communication
problem here ;-)  (happens .. i know)

But what is it good for running regression tests (which i hope you guys do 
releasing a new version) if you pull code from dev to test branch 3 days before 
the release should come out?

I always thought there is a kind of fteaure freeze (means where the dev becomes
test) and then a time period where regresison tests are done on the test branch.

Bugfixing for failed tests takes place on the test branch (with puling the 
fixes back
to the dev branch). But no new feature are going into the test branch.

I have no better (quality) expectations for 2.1.1 than from 2.0.8 if there are 
3 days of regression tests.

Here my questions:
* when was the feature freeze for 2.1.1?
* how long is the period of regression tests? (rough estimation)
* does there exits a person which is responsible to coordinatate the developers 
during this period? (I know it is funnier to code on the dev than on test but 
hey, life
sucks sometimes ;-) )
* there was no roadmap for 2.1.0/2.1.1 release. Could someone please provide a 
roadmap for 2.1.2? (fix the date for code freeze, estimated regression test 
period now,
and release date for 2.1.2 now ---> put it on the homepage)

If there is not such kind of roadmap people work on dev all the time, persons 
like me
who would like to test for a release have no clue which release we should test, 
against what we should report bugs.

Thank god it is Friday: do you really expect that we gonna test over weekend? 

kind regards

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