Hi all,

I'd like to propose the following changes to happen in the next
heartbeat release, which I'd name 2.2.0 because of them.

As the formerly-known-as-CRM component is now developed as the PaceMaker
project, the corresponding code should be removed from the heartbeat
project itself, as it will not receive any further updates or bugfixes.

Again, as users install both the heartbeat infrastructure and the
pacemaker packages, their systems will continue to work as before, no
configuration changes necessary! We're talking repackaging, not a change
of function. PaceMaker will continue to run on top of the heartbeat
cluster infrastructure for a considerable time.

This already works, packages are available from the openSUSE build
service, but going forward users should not by accident run old code. So
it would be prudent to acknowledge this and drop the unmaintained code.

Further components I'd propose to restructure:

- heartbeat, ccm should become the infrastructure package. This could
  possibly include the v1-support as well, though I'd prefer an official
  compile-time option to not include that.

- PILS, clplumbing etc are shared and should be organized as a package
  upon which all others depend; but the minimum shared set.

- The LRM, ha_logd, RAs should move into their own package; these are
  stand-alone components, and useful to other cluster environments as
  well which might prefer to not install a different cluster
  infrastructure as well.

- stonithd + the fencing agents are possibly useful with other
  infrastructure components as well, and probably should be packaged
  independently as well; though we don't yet have a coherent story for
  the fencing components in the new stack, so these could possibly move
  in with the infrastructure package as well (if we opt to use the
  already existing fenced on openAIS instead).

The former, except for dropping the CRM code, are all repackaging of the
resulting build only, and do not split off anything at the code level.

- The GUI, because it is build against PaceMaker, obviously can't be
  part of the low-level layer, but should become its own project. An
  example of how this could work is already available at

If no strong objections are raised, we will go ahead with at least
dropping the CRM code in dev; it's in effect unmaintained (or rather,
maintained elsewhere).


Teamlead Kernel, SuSE Labs, Research and Development
SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, GF: Markus Rex, HRB 16746 (AG Nürnberg)
"Experience is the name everyone gives to their mistakes." -- Oscar Wilde

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